My new Roku Ultra will often freeze both audio and video on Netflix after about 5 seconds. I can still select another show, and it will play for 5 sec then freeze. This doesn't appear to happen on other apps, Paramount+ for example works fine.
So far I've tried resetting the Roku by cycling the power (it's powered by the wall wart not usb), factory reset, deleting and reinstalling the Netflix app with no change. The one thing that sometimes works, is to power on reset the Roku, my modem and my router together. Sometimes this works after 3 or 4 tries. If not, I just give up, and it might "fix itself" a few days later.
More info: Netflix app V5.2, build 1200.96022.
Roku model 4802x ultra, s/n X01000TRCMP5, software 12.55 build 4174-C2.
This is making my Netflix experience pretty negative, hope you can find a solution.
Hi, @moosestang
It's our pleasure to welcome you here in the Roku Community.
Thanks for sharing this information with us, and we're sorry to hear about the issue you've encountered with Netflix. We'd be more than glad to assist. Could you provide us with a Tracker ID when this issue occurs? (When you see this issue occur, press the Home button 5 times, followed by the Back button 5 times, and provide us with this ID).
Once we have this, we'll be able to forward it to the appropriate Roku team for further investigation.
Best wishes,
ID P5-060-312.
I tried a few times, and the last digits increased to 315 then 316.
I noticed there is also a GC version 10.7.26 shown in the issue report tracker that I don't recall seeing when I posted the system stuff previously.
Well, the response to this has been underwhelming, to say the least. I did a little digging and found another thread from last May saying they had pinned it down to "older" Panasonic TVs that would freeze with the HDMI-CEC link turned on. Just so happens, I have an "older" Panasonic TV, and disabling HDMI/CEC on my TV fixed the problem. Not a great solution, because now I have to select the ROKU input manually instead of it happening automatically whenever I picked a ROKU app while the tv was connected to another input like cable, etc.
Since my problem seems to be a perfect storm of a tv issue, a netflex app issue and a ROKU issue, I expect it will never be solved. Each party will just point to the other guy and say it's their issue. And I'll be stuck with a broken setup until I buy a new tv.
Thanks for all the help.