Does Anyone know where we can view or request to have shown 1970s PRICE IS RIGHT episodes? I've reached out to Fremantle, the Owners of the Price Is Right an am awaiting their response.
The Price Is Right started around 1956 with Bill Cullin and then Bob Barker in 1972. Currently, Drew Carey is the host of this fantastic show.
Besides all the 1980s shows on Roku the Bob Barker Era and You Tube, where can we see old shows from the 1970s? Where can audiences send their signed partitions to request ALL shows from 1972, in honor of the great Bob Barker?
So many decades of TPIR not being shown on the Barker Era. The 1980s are good, but what about the 1970s??
There may be others on this and other forums that feel the same as I do. Can valued fans see ALL the episodes of the Price Is Right? 1956 thru the decades 1960s, 1970s and even thru 1980s and 1990s. Into 2000s up to Drew Carey? What's missing now are the 50s, 60s and 70s decades.
Hope Frenantle creates a Marathon in honor of Bob Barker. The Barker Era on Roku is missing so many decades. Bob was around for more than just the 80s.