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Reel Rookie

Channel access | Private channel removal

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regardless of "certified or uncertified" apps the electronic device was in my home, in my possession, and they altered my settings without my consent. if they had left the apps on my devices and just made them inactive i would not be complaining. i do understand the differences between certified and uncertified also i understand that Roku could/would stop use of uncertified apps. my complaint is that they REMOVED the apps instead of just disabling them. i also get upset when Roku changes my "wallpaper" seasonally. if i wanted a Christmas theme displayed as my wallpaper i should be the one who selects and activates it, not the people at Roku. i do not like when ideals and opinions are forced upon me.

Roku Guru

Re: Why is ROKU cancelling Pornhub?

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Instead of removing adult content channels Roku could and should instead simply make an adult section for those channels in the channel store, so they are no longer private channels. Or they could even make a separate channel store entirely for adult content in order to keep them isolated from the other channels, the bottom line is that there are options. Roku is using the 'no private channels' as an excuse for censorship of adult material it doesn't like. Adult channels don't have to be private they can be made public just like any other channel except with pin access to block anyone unauthorized from accessing them.


This is a sneaky move by Roku to ban and censor legal adult material and legal adult studios from being able to get their content to consumers who want it. Channels created by pornhub or other legitimate studios are not pirated material, so using that as an excuse is bogus too and it's a bad one. Because of this terrible decision to ban adult content I will no longer be purchasing any more Roku devices and I encourage anyone else unhappy with this new policy to boycott Roku as well. I can't speak for anyone else, but if I have the choice of buying a streaming player that does allow adult content vs. Roku who doesn't, well that's no choice at all. I will choose the alternative. So I can get all the channels I can get with Roku but also adult ones!


If Roku is smart they will change their policy and allow adult content back with the proper pin protection to keep minors from watching. Unless this happens I'm off the Roku bandwagon for good. Censoring legal content and blocking consumers from having access to it is wrong, adults have the right to stream adult videos plain and simple.

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Roku Guru

Re: thank you roku for showing you're true colors.

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@Pluto62  I absolutely agree with you. You turn on your devices and channels you added are gone without your permission because the company that controls it deleted the channels on you. It seems that internet connected devices don't fall under the same guidelines of anything else you purchase which this would never be tolerated. DBDukes sounds like a Roku apologist so I don't waste my time reading comments of people who defend bad policy of big companies, I suggest you do the same. Most people agree with what you are saying and the best way to tell Roku you are unhappy is do not purchase anymore Roku devices in the future, I certainly won't after they banned and censored adult content under the guise of 'they can't be private channels' instead of just making them public with parental control pin to prevent unauthorized viewing.

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Community Streaming Expert

Re: Why is ROKU cancelling Pornhub?

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@Emissary35 wrote:

Instead of removing adult content channels Roku could and should instead simply make an adult section for those channels in the channel store, so they are no longer private channels. ...

You've been around here long enough that I'm quite frankly surprised that *you* are missing THE critical part: the apps weren't certified. There is a certification process to be in the Channel Store. There's always been a process to be in the Channel Store. You should very well know that in order to have an app in the Channel Store, it has to be certified. Have you really never picked up on that?

Roku doesn't simply look at uploaded apps to the Private/Non-certified/Beta library and say, "Yeah, we'll certify this." Certification doesn't happen unless an app is submitted for certification. There's a ton of paperwork (okay, there are forms). Then Roku goes through its steps to see if the paperwork is in order and if the app passes muster. You should know this. You're not some newbie that has no idea of how any of this works. You've been around long enough to know all that. So now I'm trying to decide did you truly miss that in all the time you've been here, or did you forget?

The rest of your argument is based on that false premise. I shouldn't be having to tell you any of this.

Roku didn't remove adult apps. It removed all non-certified apps. Only a small number were adult apps. Most of the hundreds and hundreds of apps that were removed for being non-certified were not adult apps. You go talk to the VidAngel people and tell them their app was removed because Roku targeted adult apps.

Roku Community Streaming Expert
Note: I am not a Roku employee.

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Community Streaming Expert

Re: thank you roku for showing you're true colors.

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@Pluto62 wrote:

... my complaint is that they REMOVED the apps instead of just disabling them. ...

That is reasonable. I'm not about to argue that. I will argue regarding adult apps being targeted, since it was non-certified apps being targeted.

@Pluto62 wrote:

... i also get upset when Roku changes my "wallpaper" seasonally. if i wanted a Christmas theme displayed as my wallpaper i should be the one who selects and activates it, not the people at Roku. ...

Um, there's a setting that YOU have control over regarding that. Settings > Themes > Seasonal themes > Off

You have to set it to off. You know, the very control you want over the setting.

@Pluto62 wrote:

...i do not like when ideals and opinions are forced upon me.

And again, this is based on a false premise. Don't do that. Don't make arguments based on false premises.

Roku Community Streaming Expert
Note: I am not a Roku employee.

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Roku Guru

Re: Why is ROKU cancelling Pornhub?

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@DBDukes  So what is the problem with Roku not allowing these apps to be certified? They could have gotten it done and gone through the process already. Since Roku knew they were going to remove private channels months ago they could have worked with the app developers to get the channels certified and this entire issue could have been avoided! So when the private channels got removed they could come back immediately as certified public ones in the channel store. Roku doesn't want these channels, it's censorship!


You seem to be defending Roku's bad policies on this issue everywhere you have replied to comments unhappy with this issue. The customers are upset with this and we don't need a Roku apologist defending the company for what it's done while at the same time telling us customers that we are the ones who are wrong for being unhappy about the situation. Roku went about this wrong, they can still fix it if they do what I suggest but I doubt they will because they wanted these channels gone.


As far as your comments about VidAngel, well I have read that they had submitted Roku requests multiple times for certification and each time denied without explanation! So Roku is the one being stubborn.

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Reel Rookie

Re: thank you roku for showing you're true colors.

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thank you for the heads up on how to control wallpaper changes, i appreciate that. however it is apparent that you suckle at the teat of Roku and have a gift for being snide under the guise of a simple response. you have however, prompted me to re-read all my Roku materials, again thank you for that.

Community Streaming Expert

Re: Why is ROKU cancelling Pornhub?

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@Emissary35 wrote:

@DBDukes  So what is the problem with Roku not allowing these apps to be certified? ...

Who said Roku isn't allowing the apps to be certified? If the developers won't submit the apps, then they won't be certified. And uploading to the Private/Non-certified/Beta library is not a submission for certification. And did you bother to follow any of the links provided earlier? Did you bother to actually read what I wrote? Roku's new IDK has instructions for marking an app as "adult." Read that again.

@Emissary35 wrote:
... (Roku) could have worked with the app developers to get the channels certified and this entire issue could have been avoided! ...

It is and always has been up to the developer to submit for certification. It's not up to Roku to go get apps for certification. Now, I don't doubt they would if it's somebody big enough. I would not be surprised if Roku courted Sling TV, YouTube, etc. But small app developers? At least, small when compared to those companies? No, Roku won't do that. Amazon won't. Google won't. Apple won't.

@Emissary35 wrote:
... You seem to be defending Roku's bad policies on this issue everywhere you have replied to comments unhappy with this issue. ...

Then you haven't read everything. All I've done is correct misstatements and outright lies about this. There's plenty I don't like about it, but when something incorrect is presented as fact, I'll correct that, even if I don't like the facts.

@Emissary35 wrote:
... we don't need a Roku apologist defending the company for what it's done while at the same time telling us customers that we are the ones who are wrong for being unhappy about the situation....

Calling me an apologist simply shows that you are selectively reading what I have written. My primary focus is to provide good information. Whether or not someone likes the facts doesn't matter to me, and it certainly doesn't matter to the facts.

It's fine to not like stuff. It's not fine to lie about stuff, which some have done. It's not fine to spread misinformation about stuff, which many (including you) have done. You need to get a more trustworthy source for your information. I and others have provided accurate information. And when someone continues to falsely say "Roku is targeting adult channels" then I'll correct that. I'm not happy with how Roku went about this. I've stated that over and over (you seem to have missed that), but I will accurately state what they did, whether I agree with it or not.

Roku Community Streaming Expert
Note: I am not a Roku employee.

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Community Streaming Expert

Re: thank you roku for showing you're true colors.

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@Pluto62 wrote:

... it is apparent that you suckle at the teat of Roku ...

You're accusing me of being benefitting financially from Roku?

I have never received any money in any way, shape, or form from Roku. I've never owned Roku stock. Every Roku device I've ever used has been purchased and paid for by me with my own money.

Do not ever accuse me of that.

Roku Community Streaming Expert
Note: I am not a Roku employee.

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i made an account to tell you guys what i think

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i will never be buying another roku product again after the removeal of "non certifiyed" channels. you assholes get a **bleep** ton of money from your adds that are everywhere on the tv and you cant let me pick and choose what i want to see? "but its not supported" dont care       "the IDK system will replace it" no it will not, eat **bleep**
 **bleep** you **bleep** your products im selling my tv

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