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Binge Watcher

Re: Profane Commercials....

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Same to you. Don't introduce our kids to a lifestyle that we are not interested in. If you want to partake in that perversion then so be it, but don't be sneakily introducing this mess to our young. You and your ilk need to stop forcing your mental illness to our youth.

Roku Guru

Re: Homosexuality everywhere

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@toppermost64  Read the FCC rules. Nothing you are seeing violates any rules. You are upset cause it violates your personal beliefs.

Binge Watcher

Re: Profane Commercials....

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I really thought this was a joke but I see it is not. I am sorry but there is not a filter for reality it will come through just like it did for you as a kid. Your best bet would be to have some good answers for the questions you will be asked if you have a good relationship with your children, If you don't have that kind of relationship they will go and find / learn for themselves regardless of what you want them to believe. Good luck with that, it's not easy to hide from reality. My kids are all grown now but I just always tried to be honest with them and they seemed to have turned out to be decent people.

Channel Surfer

Re: Profane Commercials....

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Sorry that your reality must be as such that you accept social immorality and probably the murder of unborn children and other social ills, but there is always a better way. Our social system is what we make of it. It is based on the decisions that we make as individuals and as a people. We don't have to "hide" as you seem to indicate but otherwise choose not to participate. So sorry that you feel that you have no power to change your life! 

Channel Surfer

Re: Profane Commercials....

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Is that a little bit of Wu wisdom? That Everything is Everything but Everything is Nothing? or maybe a little bit of Plato and the allegory that life is like a cave? As such wouldn't our modern social sensibilities, not just mine, also be nothing more than an illusion?

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Reel Rookie

Re: Profane Commercials....

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WOW!!!!  I can not believe this thread.  First off everyone is entitled to their own opinion and lifestyle. But this is NOT the place to have this debate .  Really people??
This a forum to discuss TV devices and streaming problems.   Start a blog or join a haters group. Or picket Congress but get off of here with your hateful propaganda   Let me start by saying I am 100 % heterosexual woman who is married with kids. So this is not my argument to jump in on;  But I do have gay/lesbians in my close family.  I just don’t understand why all the animosity ? when you preach hate like this, it is just awful. You talk about them being mentally ill and how “they” all have an agenda and are trying to turn everyone’s children gay.   That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.  I really hope for your children's sake they do not grow up and have any kind of sexuality or gender identity struggles cause if you do not disown them, I am sure they will cut you out of their lives.   It is absolutely fine for you to want to sensor what your kids are exposed to. As a mother u have a right to monitor it and raise them in your beliefs but to make them believe being in love with anyone same sex or not is “perverse and profane “ is just plain bigotry   Unless your kids are home schooled and you never allow them to go to a playground or watch tv, or go to stores or participate in any social interactions  then they either already know what being gay is or will in the next couple years. You can not hide kids from the world because of your beliefs. This kind of training of your kids is what leads to major bullying and hate crimes  you can raise them in what you believe but instead of teaching them these awful labels  teach them that just cause u do not condone or believe or feel the same way about things as someone else, does not mean that u are cruel to them or name call ,  u accept them for who they are or u go your separate ways. The gay community is not after your children lol. But they are wanting to be seen and heard cause maybe when they were growing up things weren’t as open as they are now and they don’t want another child to hurt and feel ashamed all through adolescence and their teen years.  These poor babies out There who hate everything about themselves and their body and think they are alone. No child should grow up that way. That community cares ,  they aren’t preaching hate to straight people like you are to them? They are just showing love and understanding. I have reported this thread so I hope they take it down. You were so worried about those commercials teaching your kids awful things. I think you are already doing enough of that yourself.  Spread the LOVE 

Binge Watcher

Re: Profane Commercials....

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You are correct. Homosexuality is abnormal. I don't teach hate to my kids, I teach them what is normal in order for them to have less confusion in their lives. Your approach us to accept anything. That is exactly why this problem exists. You call me bigot, I call you naive to think that accepting this abnormality as love needs to be spread. You are also naive to think that people become this way naturally, but in reality, raising children improperly is the reason. I am raising my kids to be normal, traditional heterosexual. If you don't, then you are gambling with your kids and the depression and anxiety they will develop because they soon learn that opposite reproductive parts is biologically correct, will devastate you. That is what we are up against as parents. You call it bigotry, I call it saving their lives. Good luck to because I can tell already you are going to a lot of problems raising your kids unless you are clear with them about the normal way to live and these  commercials are introducing this gender dysphoria to our kids and it is trying to normalize perversion.

Reel Rookie

Re: Profane Commercials....

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I don't know why I thought you would be reasonable.  From someone who had a family member I grew up with that from age like 6 or 7 knew she was 'different' and didn't want to play house like other girls. She wanted to hang out with the boys in our family and do guy stuff.  She didn't want to be a boy, she just liked the stuff they did and the clothes the wore a lot better than us girls were doing and wearing.  It wasn't until years later after puberty she realized what it all meant.  She was Gay.  And she was and still is one of the most caring and sweet person you would ever meet.  She would do anything for anyone. And her moma did not believe in being gay back then, it was a different era. We were born in the 70s and 80s so our parents were still part of the generation that Knew it was out there but we're  taught to poke fun at it. And that it was something people were ashamed to be.  Her mother after being in denial for many years when she became an adult she accepted her.   Now she helos take care of her parents  why her hedrosexual sister is out for herself only. I wonder do you work outside the home ?  Are your kids home Schooled?  I am trying to figure out how you function in society. Your HR department and he school must love you if you let your kids outside around the public that is.  naive is thinking people choose to be gay. I wonder since you say kids raised right do not choose to be gay. They go down the right path then why are u so worried about what these commercials show.  ?  I mean u are the good kind of mom and u are raising your kids with good beliefs the right way. Then surely this old words and a few commercials can't reverse all the morals u have taught them their whole lives.  So why care about what other people say or do ?  I wonder are you racist also ?  I honestly no joking and preaching aside my heart hurts for your babies and what they will have to endure if they grown and realize they are part of that community. Will you turn your back on them and disown them ? Even if they turn out to be straight can you imagine the look in their eye when they go to college or start their fist job and realize you are a bigot ?    Just wow they have some hard years ahead. Either by acting like you  or being made to feel worthless cause they don't act like u.  I believe you were born in the Wrong century and country , Hitler could of used more like you.  Have a good life.  I'm not doing this with you anymore. Just love your kids no matter who they turn out to be.  A mothers love should not be conditional 

Channel Surfer

Re: Profane Commercials....

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It did start out as a TV problem and the problem was having to be exposed to gay commercials on the ROKU Channel and as a viewer how to censor commercials that I considered to be objectionable as a Christian. I shouldn't have to buy a ROKU stick only to be subjugated to LGBT propaganda!!!! I would love to be able as a viewer to remove all objectionable materials from all the things that my family sees, but sadly even children's shows are being flooded with Gay Propaganda! You call us Haters and you are right as the Bible does tell us to shun away from all sin, and homosexuality is not normal nor was it made to be so by God. Rather it is an aberration of man born out of sin. If you want to suck up to the Devil and go to H E L L that is your prerogative, but we as Christians have a right not to be subjugated to this harassment. 

Re: Homosexuality everywhere

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It's not about breaking any rules. It's simply that we don't want our children seeing this garbage and we don't want to see it either. If there are people who like it then there should be a way to allow or refuse such content. It WILL NOT be pushed in our homes. We will completely remove Roku from our homes altogether before that happens.

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