Good for you, but it would be great if either Newsmax+ or Roku would proactively respond to those who have already paid for annual subscriptions and are unable to view their preferred content at the new website. Newsmax+ and Roku, are you there, and is anyone listening to these customer pleas for assistance?
Wow @JackD356 I feel it's unfortunate you have so many issues. Most of us enjoy Newsmax!!! As far as the commercials, I have YET to see anything but English commercials. I understand; however, that the "types" of commercials you "receive" relate specifically to your demographics. As far as commercials go, be GRATEFUL you're not watching FOX, whose commercials average 2:45 min....
I agree 100% with @Greenie.
The only issue that this long-time Newsmax viewer is concerned about is how to restore the functionality of my paid subscription so I can go back to enjoying the informative content for which I have already paid for an annual subscription over a month ago. Is anyone out there really listening, or is DonnaM just an AI bot that is programmed to respond with these useless platitudes?
Wow Donna, piss off because you are nothing but a paid shill for this garbage service and your insanely absurd and STUPID replies prove it so. So how's about shut yer trap and go read what paid users have to say...
Donna is either a dumb ass bot, a paid shill, or an obvious ignorant LIAR....
All this has to stop. No matter how anyone explains what to do there are those that don't listen and learn. This whole thread needs to be put to rest. That would be to every persons benefit.
Good suggestion. The problems as I have experienced them have been solved.
Right, another shill telling you to do what they say and do not ask any questions. I wonder where I heard that before...
Piss off clown, questions and debate are STILL allowed in this country (at the moment)...
Do NOT believe your lying eyes, do what you are told... 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
The shills / collaborators / influencers have found this discussion. Time to close it.
I just keep getting an error message on my Roku 4K. Frustrating!
I cancelled 3 weeks ago and have been happy to wait until I read NO complaints about it before signing up again