I too have IP3M-956E cameras. I have been unsuccessful getting them to work with either basic or pro.
I'm running:
Software Version2.400.0002.15.R, Build Date: 2017-04-26
WEB Version3.2.1.422026
ONVIF Version2.42
According to the latest API document
This should work
but it does not.
I'm using the AMCREST setting and nothing.
I was able to get the snapshot to work, but only if I put user:pass@IPADDRESS in the ip address field.
From what I can tell, using chrome developer tools, the mjpeg stream now will only accept "digest authentication" for the mjpeg stream.
Does anyone else have the same version of firmware I am running and do you have MJPEG stream working with PRO?
I was able to get a stream working using the advanced configuration Ioan put in using Rasberry Pi as intermediary. I didn't have a PI handy but I had an ubuntu 16.04 server I was able to use and build a successful advanced app on. This works well in speaking with Ioan on support, only mjpeg and jpeg are supported for "split screen" and I'd like to get those working but have the RTSP high def available for direct viewing.
Look forward to any suggestions on MJPG stream / authentication issues with AMCREST IP3M-956e cameras