Information about the Film Noir Network is difficult to come by. Before I make any decision about subscribing to it, I need to know if it follows a policy of captioning all of its content. If there is no captioning, then I can't follow the programming because I can't hear. Does anyone know?
Hi @BettinaBoope,
Thanks for posting here in the Roku Community!
We appreciate you sharing this information with us. It might be best to contact the channel provider's support directly and tell them about your inquiry. They have the information you need since the channel providers are the ones who designed and developed the channel on the Roku platform.
Hi @BettinaBoope,
Thanks for posting here in the Roku Community!
We appreciate you sharing this information with us. It might be best to contact the channel provider's support directly and tell them about your inquiry. They have the information you need since the channel providers are the ones who designed and developed the channel on the Roku platform.
Thank you, Kash. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to contact the Film Noir Network. It doesn't have a website. It has a Facebook page, but I am not on Facebook. The Roku website doesn't have any information for directly contacting the FNN.
After less than one week as a subscriber to FNN, I am increasingly disappointed by it. Hardly any of its offerings are captioned. Moreover, some of the movies that it offers, such as Hook Line and Sinker, are "unavailable at this time".