Apple TV generates their own diagnostic logs. I opened a ticket with them and created a movie of my media streaming errors. if you look at my post below I can share my .mov file but the Roku forum does not allow for uploads of that particular file type.
Not even sure if my problem is the same as some of the others, but mine was serious enough that Apple level 2 is currently looking at it. I did post a photo with all software/firmware levels assoc with issue.
I had the same problem starting a few weeks ago and limped along by cycling pause/start or going Home and restarting Apple +. But yesterday, that workaround stopped working. I noticed that in fast forward, the small preview screen that shows during fast forward did advance, but then when switching back to play, screen remained frozen. And then when switching back to Home and then restarting Apple +, the screen just froze with the Apple Logo on a blank screen. I finished the program on my Mac with Safari browser, which picked up at the point where the Roku stopped responding. Then I tried the posted solution of removing Apple +, restart Roku, reinstall Apple +. All went well for about 45 min, then screen froze again. My Roku device model shows as, f3810X. All other programs on Roku work fine.
Hi @rickapel @OhioSteve1,
We want to gather more information about the issue you're running into. Can you please give us more details regarding the problem you're having so we can further assist you:
Once we have this information, we can do further investigation. We can look forward to your response.
All of that info should be in an earlier post I made to the thread. The post was a picture of a TV with all of that info on it. The info was gathered from the Apple TV Diagnostics screen but has the Roku info on it too. I also have a 3 min movie (i.e .mov file) of the media streaming errors that Apple logged too which I could not upload because the Roku forum does not support uploading a .mov file and Apple does not support a good way to export the text of the messages. The movie of me perusing the error logs turned out to be the perfect medium for apple support as their collection instructions for level 1 was terse at best and my movie taken by my iPad was perfect for the conveying that info.
Reply to OhioSteve1 - This is not the same problem that I previously experienced. My screen froze up while just in play mode, not during or right after doing a FF. I did notice that it would freeze up a minute or sometimes a 2-3 minutes after I manually paused the screen. BUT, as I said in a recent post, my problems have mysteriously disappeared and I am really not sure what if anything I did to correct it.
Hope you are able to find a solution to this annoying problem.
From Ajer
I believe I may have failed out of the blue while not touching a thing. The key is whether or not you received any streaming error messages from the Apple TV diagnostics. Every time I had the issue, I received the Apple TV diagnostics. Bottom line is whether anyone else is receiving the Apple TV app diagnostic media streaming messages. These issues are hard to solve with just anecdotal evidence. I have actually gotten the attention of Apple and specialists are reviewing my issues from their perspective and they absolutely want as much diagnostic info as possible.
Thanks for your persistence for getting this thing solved. My similar issue only started a few weeks ago. You mention Apple TV diagnostics. How do I access these? I'm running Apple TV app on Roku, but I can also run it in my Safari Browser on my Mac (no issues occur in the browser, only on Roku). I've contacted Roku support and they've provided me with a procedure to send them a tracking ID the next time this happens. Thank you.
OhioSteve1 - I think the Diagnostics are the same as the Tracker ID? When the problem occurs with the screen freezing, you can press the Home button five times followed by the back button five times and it will give you all kinds of info to report. I have done this and it works to get the Tracker ID. Give it a try the next time your screen freezes.
On the Apple TV app menu on the far right there is a icon of a gear. Select that to see a menu. “About” lists both Apple app and Roku software versions including all model info for the Roku.
Further down you can see the “Analytics Data”. That is where Apple logs their error logs.
In between trying resolutions, I have deleted and reinstalled the app to flush out the error messages to determine if my resolution worked.
I actually remediated my issues by using a switch in between my router and my Roku.
Tracker ID generates a ticket of sone sort for the Roku Folks. Whatever, if any diagnostics logs are generated or created is a mystery.
The software levels info and model # of Roku Tracker ID is very similiar to the Apple “About” screen as they both are probably using the same SDK to collect the info. The Apple diagnostics logs are JSON files used for serial transmission to Apple and are in plain view in text form.
They are not the same as Apple cares about their diagnostics and Roku wants their separate diagnostics logs.