My streaming device is Roku Ultra.
5/23/23 HBO Max channel not working and after checking for update, it's updated to Max. Max welcome screen launched with Renew Subscription and Connect Your Provider. I chose Connect Your Provider and chose AT&T, logged in successfully and it said my TV screen would refresh, ready to stream. But TV screen refreshed and came back to the same initial welcome screen, i.e. Renew Subscription or Connect Your Provider. Tried a few more times same results, I gave up. Anyone getting update successfully thru AT&T?
Same issue here. Max support said to try back later as they were seeing lots of issues with AT&T customers.
Thanks for confirming that I'm not alone 👍
Same here
It's not even giving me an update screen how do I update it so I can log in
On, Roku, highlight HBOmax, press *, select Check for updates
Same here. I deleted the Roku app/channel and downloaded it again. Still can’t log in. Doesn’t work on a PC browser either. It does work on my iPhone and iPad tho so probably will be worked out soon (fingers crossed).
Trying to contact max chat support is a joke, kept sending the chat support request from person to person, without any real resolution.
Really annoying. The fact that on the computer knows that you're "All Done" and "Signed in and ready to start streaming" says the problem is Max, not AT&T. Just another case of unnecessary "rebranding" that does nothing but screw up things that at least sort of worked before.
Update: 5/34/23 7a Pacific
This issue is now resolved, I was able to " Connect my provider" (AT&T) and activate MAX streaming successfully for all 3 of my Roku Ultras.