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Why does Roku charge multiple times a month instead of once a month?

I signed up for my services on the same day but notice I get charged different amounts several times a month. This month a random $5.99 came out when I wasn’t expecting it cause I thought I figured out which days to expect these charges but apparently I was wrong. It bounced the account cause I transfer money over there as needed for autopays and wasn’t expecting this random $5.99. Can you lump bill for the services ONE TIME each month on a specific day instead of several different days so I can be prepared for an exact figure on an exact day like every other service provider I use? Also, a monthly billing reminder email would be nice. Like hey we’re going to debit x amount of this day. That would be helpful. These several times a month (sometimes random) charges are a very frustrating way to handle billing.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Why does Roku charge multiple times a month instead of once a month?

Hi @Missmgmnt,

A warm welcome here at the Roku Community!
We understand that you are having problems with random charges in your account. To be better assisted with your billing inquiries, we highly suggest you contact our Accounts and Billing team since they are the specialized department to best cater to your inquiry. To contact them, kindly refer to this link here. Select the Accounts and Billing option to be directed to their contact information.
Best regards,

Eunice L.
Roku Community Moderator
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Why does Roku charge multiple times a month instead of once a month?

Some services may have had free trial periods of different lengths. That can cause the billing dates to vary.

Also, I will strongly suggest NEVER subscribing through Roku or any 3rd party. Always use the WEB SITE of the service and sign up there. This guarantees the subscription will work on most any device, and prevents issues when prices or services change.