For the past couple months one of our favorite channels, Pub-D-Hub has stopped streaming. We receive this message on-screen every time we try to get in (message inserted at bottom of this message).
I have deleted the app on my Roku and reinstalled it several times and still no luck. Same message and no streaming.
Can anyone help?
Jim Johnson
St Paul MN (On-screen message follows)
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I just added it and I'm watching Adventures of Don Quixote as I write this. I think this has been mentioned in another thread, but make sure when you uninstall and reinstall you restart your Roku from Settings->System or Settings->System->Power (as appropriate) before you reinstall. You might also want to restart all of your network equipment - gateway/modem/router. My next question would be are you using any kind of VPN or content blocker?
I'm using the Basic level, so if you have Gold or Gold Plus maybe that has something to do with it.
Thank you for the information. I will use your advice today.
I am not using a VPN or content blocker. I should add that I keep all systems updated as soon as updates are available. Also, there were no changes to either Roku of any kind. The two distinctly different TV's use two different boxes and both display the same message. Of course, they all use the same modem wirelessly.
And I do have Gold Plus service.
I'm really looking forward to getting the system up and running. The programming is a wonderful break from all the other streaming stuff for an old goat like me (78). I'm just irritated that I could not figure out how to get it going again myself. I usually do not suffer problems with any of our streaming equipment or services.
Thank you!