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Binge Watcher

Suggestions from a new Roku user

I am a long-time TiVo user and have a high-end audio/video setup (for many years) and recently purchased and set up my first Roku device- an Ultra. Here are some of my initial thoughts for improvements:

1) I do not like that content is not clearly labeled as commercial-laden. I will not watch anything with forced commercials. I would really like that to be shown clearly on all content and even have filters so I can avoid such content.
2) A huge amount of content has nothing but bi-mono or stereo sound on various channels, including the Roku channel. This is just ridiculous in 2021, and painful to listen to when you have a high-end system. Almost all programs are created with surround-sound and presenting that to the user should be required for all "channels" on Roku. Compared to video, having decent sound uses very little bandwidth.
3) Why can't I use a USB keyboard in your USB port?
4) Why don't you support programming the power and volume buttons to work with an AV receiver? There aren't that many brands and it shouldn't be complicated. ALL my other products allow this.
5) Why can't I program the 4 hard-coded channel buttons on the remote to launch other channels? They are a waste when you don't subscribe to those services.
6) It would be nice if there were a way to rate programs and "follow" them, like I can on TiVo, so I have a place to go to see what is new that I like.
7) Why can't I use voice to fill in anywhere there is a text entry requirement?

I am sure I will find other things later 🙂


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