This is not exactly a new feature. ROKU Media Player was able to shuffle media up to a couple of months and whatever number of updates ago.
It has since lost the ability to shuffle media. I have over 20,000 songs stored on a DLNA media server and am no longer able to randomize the playlist. This is idiotic. A Commodore 64 in 1985 could randomize a directory.
Which genius coder thought it was a great idea to eliminate this feature?
Do you have any idea how irritating it is to have 20,000 songs and not be able to play more than the first few dozen over and over?
Issue was fixed by an update a month after I posted.
No longer a problem thanks 🙂
If you are able to run Plex either as a replacement for or beside your DLNA server you'd probably like the player options better than roku's media player.
Issue was fixed by an update a month after I posted.
No longer a problem thanks 🙂
It was? I’ve been waiting for it to re-appear over here….nada. Checked updates several times. I can’t view the solution either since it just hits back to this thread.
It got sort of fixed in one version then screwed up again later.
It can address 20,000 songs now, IF And ONLY IF you limit yourself to one of the lesser categories, (eg Artist, Album, etc...) and not the entire list of songs.
I gave up on ever getting this **bleep** fixed with a Roku Express and just use the Roku for what it's worth using for. Streaming video and audio over the web.
If I want to listen to my CD collection, I fire up my computer now.