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Free / Premium indicator or filter for What To Watch

I have a few dozen movies / shows that I would love to watch someday.  Invariably the first pick that I want to watch is only available on a channel that I don't subscribe to, so I have to open the card, check the streaming options, closed it and go to the next movie card and repeat.  There is a "free" chip that pops up on the cards when a movie is *added* to a subscribed service, but it goes away after the list is viewed once.

Request option (Any of the following would be great):

- Keep the "free" chip on the movie card while the movie is available so I can see what the free movies are without having to click into them

- Add a "$" chip to the card if the movie is not available on a service I'm currently subscribed too (like you do inside the Roku channel for free / premium streams)

- Add the icons of the channels the movie is available on somewhere (on the card, between the card and the title / summary, etc) 

- Sort the "What to watch" saved list so shows that are leaving soon are listed first, free to watch are next, free to watch with ads are 3rd, only available to purchase / on premium channels I'm not subscribed to are last


If you go with the "free" vs "$" chip, it would be amazing to have indicators for:

- Free (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc that I currently subscribe to)

- Free with Ads (Roku, Pluto, Xumo, etc)

- Leaving soon (The movie is available NOW, but will be removed in the next ~30 days)

- Premium / $ (You have to purchase this movie or its on a channel I'm not currently subscribed to)

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