My remote just up and stopped working. I was unable to get to work again. So I just decided to hook up a new spare ROKU I had. Unfortunately the instructions are in a foreign language. How do I change it.
You can go to settings > system > language.
Of course, you'll be looking for the equivalent in whatever language you have it in now. Usually that's pretty guessable.
If this spare Roku has a working remote, then Factory Reset and choose the correct language when presented option. (default should be English). If you do not have a functioning Remote, then do not Factory Reset.
Instead, use a translation website on your laptop to figure out what your screen is saying to proceed through Setup. After successfully setting up, you can then change the language to English under Settings/System/Language/English.
If your Roku is already setup and you are on Home Page, go to Settings/System/Language/English. (Use a website translator to find out what language you are currently using).