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JSon feed


It is saying:

1 item has an error: Required series id is missing.
»  History of the Gun 2018 Q2

But as you can see from my feed the id is there for that series:

I have tried a numeric ID and this current string based ID.
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Roku Guru

Re: JSon feed

I took a quick look at your feed file. Since I could not find any categories or play lists defined in your feed, I'll assume you've defined them in the developer portal. I did not, however, find an id that matches the message you are getting. There's a title with that string, but, not an id.
FREE Windows desktop software for converting Direct Publisher channels to SceneGraph (SDK), for creating BIF (Trick Play) files, Roku (MRSS, JSON) feed files, and FireTV feed files @ GitHub/rrirower.
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Roku Guru

Re: JSon feed

I've had more time to examine your feed file using the software I wrote.  It complained about several lines in your file.  There are about 58 errors and the majority say, for example:

Input string '29.97' is not a valid integer. Path 'series[0].episodes[0].content.videos[0].bitRate', line 1, position 523.

The 'bitrate' field is an integer.  You've used a 'float' for the value.  You've also got some empty json structures in your file.  While they may not cause a problem, they can only lead to confusion.
FREE Windows desktop software for converting Direct Publisher channels to SceneGraph (SDK), for creating BIF (Trick Play) files, Roku (MRSS, JSON) feed files, and FireTV feed files @ GitHub/rrirower.
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