I'm working on a series of new video apps. I've gotten apps published for tvos and fire tv already. I'm now working on a roku app. I having some serious troubles getting captions to work.
Here is a sample of the hls m3u8 manifest provided via the vimeo api.
I've looked at the documentation and added to the subtitleconfig object under tracknames: "webvtt/1". I know this is working because the video node has subtitleTrack: "webvtt/1" property and this is what I get when querying available tracks:
detected subtitle tracks <Component: roAssociativeArray> =
Description: ""
Language: "eng"
TrackName: "webvtt/1"
However nothing shows up on screen. Global settings are set to always on.
I notice vimeo does not support captions in their roku app, so I don't know if there's some incompatibility with the way they add captions.
Can anyone provide some insight.
Update April 22, 2020:
I don't know if an update go pushed out, but it started working out of the blue. Didn't need to specify subtitleconfig either.