I know your using a different method, but similar to your justinTv app...
i just went there to check it out, you have your search and then it leads to a "
search results"
Thats exactly what i am looking for
Sounds to me like you need to spend some time deciphering just how the videoplayer app works...
-- love to say i did know but there are so many parts to it. and no real documentation on it
I'd move the kid.type = "search" check into the getShowsForCategoryItem function of the appPosterScreen.brs file,
-- thats what i was trying to do earlier but it was ending up at the end of each feed
and route it to my search RSS instead of the standard static RSS feed URLs.
-- not really sure what you mean here? My category feeds on the server side are not static if thats what your referring to. thats why i need to stick with the video player example as i need to constantly check for new videos being added from the DB.
I have said a million times on these forums and even messages to you, that this brightscript is not something i can understand well, the only place to get info is here and its not easy at times to get the help one needs.
reading the SDK for a novice is so Darn frustrating at times as it only serves to confuse me more.
so please try to understand and know i appreciate all your help and examples.
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