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Roku Guru

Re: roRegistry Transient Storage

It returns False, but definitely behaves like Transient. I don't know what the upper limit is (Roku memory?). Sounds like this is definitely a bug.

In console I tested:
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", "test")
FOR i = 1 to 50000: sec.Write(i.ToStr(), i.ToStr()): END FOR
? sec.Flush()

Then I exited channel (Home), opened another channel, exited it, reloaded channel, and entered in console:
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", "test")
FOR i = 1 to 50010: ? i ", " sec.Read(i.ToStr()): END FOR

I've only tested on my Roku HD 2500, Software 6.2 build 3471
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Re: roRegistry Transient Storage

So the Flush is telling you that it failed to write the data to storage. The question is what is the best behavior at that point? Currently it apparently just leaves the data in memory and it is still accessible until the next reboot. An alternative would be to discard all the data in memory when a Flush fails. The latter is probably better although I can imagine some cases where the developer might prefer the current behavior. I'll file a bug and we'll review it, but if that's the behavior you want right now, you may want to just Delete all your registry sections when Flush fails.

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