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roListScreen poster position

Can the poster in roListScreen be offset (a bit more down and to the left)? It seems to be aligned to the top right corner?
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Roku Employee
Roku Employee

Re: roListScreen poster position

Sounds like maybe you're talking about the background image, not the poster. The background image (HDBackgroundImageUrl, SDBackgroundImageUrl) is anchored to the top right corner and you can't change that. Posters (HDPosterUrl, SDPosterUrl) are more or less centered on the right half of the screen.
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Channel Surfer

Re: roListScreen poster position

If you have control over the image, you could add transparent pixels to the top and right to offset it from the top right of the screen.
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Re: roListScreen poster position

Got it. Thanks for the quick reply.
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Roku Guru

Re: roListScreen poster position

"RokuChris" wrote:
Sounds like maybe you're talking about the background image, not the poster. The background image (HDBackgroundImageUrl, SDBackgroundImageUrl) is anchored to the top right corner and you can't change that. Posters (HDPosterUrl, SDPosterUrl) are more or less centered on the right half of the screen.

Thank you, RokuChris -
i found in your answer the solution to a problem of mine.

Unfortunately documentation does not mention specifically what content attributes are supported in roListScreen. I found the undocumented (it is not mentioned in RTFM) "ListScreen" example - but it does not use HDPosterUrl and SDPosterUrl, which is what i needed.

Since i doubt docs on this will be fixed soon, for posterity here is a list of attributes that i found to work:

  • Title

  • HDPosterUrl

  • SDPosterUrl

  • ShortDescriptionLine1

  • ShortDescriptionLine2

  • HDBackgroundImageUrl

  • SDBackgroundImageUrl

  • SDSmallIconUrl

  • HDSmallIconUrl
Btw if somebody gets to updating the doc... would be great to include screen mockup with areas labeled - which attribute goes where.
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Binge Watcher

Re: roListScreen poster position

This is mostly documented in the Content Meta-Data section, except for the HD/SD SmallIconURL. Note that some of these meta-data items may not work on legacy.

- Joel
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Roku Guru

Re: roListScreen poster position

"RokuJoel" wrote:
This is mostly documented in the Content Meta-Data section, except for the HD/SD SmallIconURL.

You can take my word as a beginner: I read Content Meta-Data beforehand and honestly it did not help. It is unclear which of the myriad attributes apply to roListScreen and which don't. Unlike roAppManager, which has a column for that.
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