Having hard time on something. I have used roRegex split to separate a long string. According to the sdk this breaks the string into a roList. Well, the sdk for roList gives example of printing elements by using simple loop thru the index. It also shows you can use list[index number] to print specific element. I have tried the following based on the sdk but get errors.
This is from sdk to use split:
r = CreateObject("roRegex", "/+", "")
So once this is done I should have a rolist called r made up of the elements from the split, which in this case is only 3 parts.
I have reference the sdk for the rolist below. I should able to loop thru the list and print all elements or use r
to print a specific.
x= r.GetIndex()
while x <> invalid
print x
x = r.GetIndex()
end while
Now when I step thru the rolist r I get error that member function not found referencing the line
I am assuming I don't understand completely, can I get some guidance on this.