I've looked and tried to achieve this but no go.
Here's what I'm trying to do. After a user moves the text within a scrollabletext node via the remote inputs and another event occurs (eg. a timeout from a timer control), I want the text to refresh back so that the beginning of the text is back at the top. I understand I could destroy the node and recreate the node so it will reinitialize. Is this the only way or am I missing something?
I'm sorry to be a bit late but my solution was to delete and create again the scrollabletext. Here is my sample:
sub init() m.description = m.top.findNode("description") m.top.observeField("visible", "setScrollbarThumbBitmapUri") ' my component logic end sub sub setScrollbarThumbBitmapUri() if m.top.visible m.description.scrollbarThumbBitmapUri = "pkg:/images/scroll/scrollbarThumbBitmapUriFocus.9.png" else m.description.scrollbarThumbBitmapUri = "pkg:/images/scroll/scrollbarThumbBitmapUri.9.png" end if resetScrollText() end sub sub resetScrollText() m.top.removeChild(m.description) m.description = createObject("roSGNode", "ScrollableText") m.description.font.size = 20 m.description.font.uri = "pkg:/source/NanumGothic/NanumGothic-Regular.ttf" m.description.id = "description" m.description.translation = [270,262] m.description.color = "0xFFFFFF" m.description.visible = true m.description.width = 740 m.description.height = 380 m.description.text = "" m.description.scrollbarThumbBitmapUri = "pkg:/images/scroll/scrollbarThumbBitmapUri.9.png" m.top.appendChild(m.description) m.description.setFocus(true) end sub
Hope it will be usefull for someone with the same problem as me.