<component name = "PanelExample" extends = "Panel" initialFocus="exampleVideo">
<interface >
<field id = "description" type = "string" onChange = "showdescription" />
<script type = "text/brightscript" >
sub init()
m.top.panelSize = "full"
m.top.focusable = true
m.top.hasNextPanel = true
m.top.isFullScreen = false
end sub
sub showdescription()
videocontent = createObject("RoSGNode", "ContentNode")
videocontent.title = "Example Video"
print videocontent.title
videocontent.streamformat = "mp4"
'videocontent.url = "http://roku.cpl.delvenetworks.com/media/59021fabe3b645968e382ac726cd6c7b/f8de8daf2ba34aeb90edc55b2d380c3f/b228eeaba0f248c48e01e158f99cd96e/rr_123_segment_1_072715.mp4"
videocontent.url = m.top.description
print m.top.description
m.video = m.top.findNode("exampleVideo")
m.video.content = videocontent
print m.video.hasFocus()
m.video.control = "play"
m.video.loop = true
print "state"
[size=85][font=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] end sub[/font][/size]
<children >
id = "infoRectangle"
translation = "[ 0, 10 ]"
height = "460"
width = "1020"
color = "0x101010C0">
<Video id = "exampleVideo" height = "560"
width = "1020"/>
this is my code..im not getting the progress bar.i checked with
hasfocus function().im getting an true value..could you tel me where i have gone wrong?