Hello. I am using a modified version of the mrss template. I am trying to get the hls stream to play but it keeps erroring out.
in my nwm_mrss.brs file have i have this code snippet
' streamFormat
if item.enclosure.count() > 0
for each enclosure in item.enclosure
if item.enclosure@type = "video/hls"
fileFormat = "hls"
else if item.enclosure@type = "video/x-mp4"
fileFormat = "mp4"
else if item.enclosure@type = "video/mp4"
fileFormat = "mp4"
else if fileFormat = ""
end if
newItem.streamFormat = fileFormat
end for
end if
here is the debug error
showHomeScreen | msg = An unexpected problem (but not server timeout or HTTP error) has been detected. | index = -3
Video request failure: -3 0
showHomeScreen | msg = | index = 0
Screen closed
Any help is appreciated.