i've run into a strange problem where my program is making no responses when running a particular screen, specifically a grid with several video listings. I've tried a few things to root out the problem but nothing seems to stick. Here is the code I have
sub CreateRecentMenu()
screen = CreateObject("roGridScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
xml_str = CreateObject("roString")
link_str = "[url removed for privacy purposes]"
xml_str = GetXML_1(link_str)
json = ParseJson(xml_str)
recent = GetRecentSermons(json)
screen.SetupLists(1) 'more lists will be added in the near future, but i am only using one row for now
screen.SetListNames("Recent Teachings")
screen.SetContentList(0, recent)
msg = wait(0, port)
if(type(msg) = "roGridScreenEvent")
if msg.isListItemFocused()
print "focused " + recent[msg.GetData()].Title
else if msg.isListItemSelected()
print "selected " + recent[msg.GetData()].Title
else if msg.isScreenClosed()
print "closed Recent menu successfully"
end if
end if
end while
End sub
Again, i'm absolutely not sure what could be causing this issue i'm having. I've attempted to print out type(msg) several times to learn what type of event the screen is getting but it gives me nothing in response. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I AM THE ARCHMAGE... who is also rather new to Brightscript so forgive me for seeming inept at times.