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08:55 PM
m3u links
hi how can i load an m3u8 list file, because im made a rss file in this structure
my main br is
rss file
but it does not play live a live stream how can i solve this? thanks
my main br is
sub RunUserInterface()
screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")
scene = screen.CreateScene("HomeScene")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
oneRow = GetApiArray()
twoRow = GetApiArray2()
threeRow = GetApiArray3()
list = [
Title:"Canames Mexico"
ContentList : oneRow
ContentList : twoRow
ContentList : threeRow
scene.gridContent = ParseXMLContent(list)
while true
msg = wait(0, port)
print "------------------"
print "msg = "; msg
end while
if screen <> invalid then
screen = invalid
end if
end sub
Function ParseXMLContent(list As Object)
RowItems = createObject("RoSGNode","ContentNode")
for each rowAA in list
row = createObject("RoSGNode","ContentNode")
row.Title = rowAA.Title
for each itemAA in rowAA.ContentList
item = createObject("RoSGNode","ContentNode")
end for
end for
return RowItems
End Function
Function GetApiArray()
url = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
url.SetUrl("my rssfile.com/my.rss")
rsp = url.GetToString()
responseXML = ParseXML(rsp)
responseXML = responseXML.GetChildElements()
responseArray = responseXML.GetChildElements()
result = []
for each xmlItem in responseArray
if xmlItem.getName() = "item"
itemAA = xmlItem.GetChildElements()
if itemAA <> invalid
item = {}
for each xmlItem in itemAA
item[xmlItem.getName()] = xmlItem.getText()
if xmlItem.getName() = "media:content"
item.stream = {url : xmlItem.url}
item.url = xmlItem.getAttributes().url
item.streamFormat = "hls"
mediaContent = xmlItem.GetChildElements()
for each mediaContentItem in mediaContent
if mediaContentItem.getName() = "media:thumbnail"
item.HDPosterUrl = mediaContentItem.getattributes().url
item.hdBackgroundImageUrl = mediaContentItem.getattributes().url
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end if
end for
return result
End Function
Function GetApiArray2()
url = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
url.SetUrl("[size=85][font=monospace]"my rssfile.com/my.rss"[/font][/size]")
rsp = url.GetToString()
responseXML = ParseXML(rsp)
responseXML = responseXML.GetChildElements()
responseArray = responseXML.GetChildElements()
result = []
for each xmlItem in responseArray
if xmlItem.getName() = "item"
itemAA = xmlItem.GetChildElements()
if itemAA <> invalid
item = {}
for each xmlItem in itemAA
item[xmlItem.getName()] = xmlItem.getText()
if xmlItem.getName() = "media:content"
item.stream = {url : xmlItem.url}
item.url = xmlItem.getAttributes().url
item.streamFormat = "hls"
mediaContent = xmlItem.GetChildElements()
for each mediaContentItem in mediaContent
if mediaContentItem.getName() = "media:thumbnail"
item.HDPosterUrl = mediaContentItem.getattributes().url
item.hdBackgroundImageUrl = mediaContentItem.getattributes().url
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end if
end for
return result
End Function
Function GetApiArray3()
url = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
url.SetUrl("[size=85][font=monospace]"my rssfile.com/my.rss"[/font][/size]")
rsp = url.GetToString()
responseXML = ParseXML(rsp)
responseXML = responseXML.GetChildElements()
responseArray = responseXML.GetChildElements()
result = []
for each xmlItem in responseArray
if xmlItem.getName() = "item"
itemAA = xmlItem.GetChildElements()
if itemAA <> invalid
item = {}
for each xmlItem in itemAA
item[xmlItem.getName()] = xmlItem.getText()
if xmlItem.getName() = "media:content"
item.stream = {url : xmlItem.url}
item.url = xmlItem.getAttributes().url
item.streamFormat = "hls"
mediaContent = xmlItem.GetChildElements()
for each mediaContentItem in mediaContent
if mediaContentItem.getName() = "media:thumbnail"
item.HDPosterUrl = mediaContentItem.getattributes().url
item.hdBackgroundImageUrl = mediaContentItem.getattributes().url
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end if
end for
return result
End Function
Function ParseXML(str As String) As dynamic
if str = invalid return invalid
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
if not xml.Parse(str) return invalid
return xml
End Function
rss file
<title>ST:AE Latinoamerica</title>
<description> </description>
<media:content channels="2" bitrate="1328.0" duration="53" fileSize="8731706" framerate="23.976" height="720" type="hls" width="1280" isDefault="true" url="">
<media:description> </media:description>
<media:keywords> </media:keywords>
<media:thumbnail url="https://s32.postimg.org/8daohu22t/ae_1.png" />
<media:title>ST:AE Latinoamerica</media:title>
but it does not play live a live stream how can i solve this? thanks
Roku Guru
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09:57 AM
Re: m3u links
Are you seeing any errors in the debugger? Add print statements to see if the Roku is getting the proper data.
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10:20 PM
Re: m3u links
thanks it works