@Roku* - can we please get a way to obtain function's name?
Something like
.getName() - and concurrently (or alternatively)
.toStr() to return a string with the name included. As in:
Brightscript Debugger> ? main
<Function: main>
Brightscript Debugger> ? main.toStr()
<Function: main> 'hypothetical, currently just says: Function '
Brightscript Debugger> ? main.getName()
main 'hypothetical
The specific use case is to be able to set function names in RSG fields, like
Task.functionName. I know this is ass-backwards as it gets - but this is how RSG currently is - not supporting function type fields.
In addition, such retrospection would help with building test tools (being able to verify results). And in general i am thinking .toStr() should be defined for all data types to return a string that is as close to the PRINT output as possible.