So I've been humming along quite nicely on adding features and fixing bugs in my channel. But I made some changes to my video player / image canvas. I've added some overlays that update automaticly within a specified interval. There are two things that I'd like to look into. Here's the block of my code that has my issues:
1) Once I Close() a canvas. Can I not show it again? Cause I've had to resort to shifting canvases on top of one another to hide one when I'm done with it, leaving it still open. Nor can I Clear() a canvas.
2) More importantly, msg.isRemoteKeyPressed() is not responding. It used to and it'd call a function that displayed another overlay and it worked perfectly. However with my recent changes I've done something to it to cause it to no longer respond. I've combed over my code several times and can't figure out what I did. The debug console acts as if it's not reciving anything. If my device.status <> "OK", then it kicks out and prints print "Remote button pressed: " + index.tostr(). The msg.isRemoteKeyPressed() block hasn't been changed since it's last worked and I can't tell what's wrong! Feedback please!