TheEndless is right. The paging feature is very handy for displaying large data sets or data from an API that returns results in pages. Paging is something I think a lot of channels could benefit from, so here's a more detailed explanation of how to do it.
To show the "next" item on your roPosterScreen, you need to add an extra content-meta-data item onto the end of your content list. That item might look something like this:
shortDescriptionLine1: "Next Page"
sdPosterURL: "pkg:/images/next_sd.png"
hdPosterURL: "pkg:/images/next_hd.png"
action: "next"
You might also want to have a "previous" item on the front end of your content list to let users go the other direction:
shortDescriptionLine1: "Previous Page"
sdPosterURL: "pkg:/images/previous_sd.png"
hdPosterURL: "pkg:/images/previous_hd.png"
action: "previous"
And then you would need to add some logic to your event loop to handle the case when a user selects your navigation items:
while true
msg = wait(0, screen.GetMessagePort())
if msg <> invalid
if msg.isListItemSelected()
item = content[msg.GetIndex()]
if item.action = "next"
' load and display the next page of data
else if item.action = "previous"
' load and display the previous page of data
' handle the selection of other poster items
end if
end if
end if
end while