I am trying to make a login work but it does not write me the password
sub init() m.buttons = m.top.findNode("Buttons") m.code = m.top.findNode("Code") m.codeTimer = m.top.findNode("codeTimer") m.expireTimer = m.top.findNode("expireTimer") m.dialog = m.top.findNode("expireDialog") m.codeBox = m.top.findNode("codeBox") m.login = m.top.findNode("loginBox") m.keyboard = m.top.findNode("KeyboardText") m.label = m.top.findNode("enter") m.top.success = false ' create buttons result = [] for each button in ["Get new code","Log in with username and password"] result.push({title : button}) end for m.buttons.content = ContentList2SimpleNode(result) m.buttons.setFocus(true) m.code.font.size = m.code.font.size+5 m.code.text = "Retrieving..." m.getCode = createObject("roSGNode", "GetCode") m.validateCode = createObject("roSGNode", "ValidateCode") m.validateLogin = createObject("roSGNode", "LoginTask") m.getCode.observeField("state", "showCode") m.validateCode.observeField("validated", "validateSuccess") m.validateLogin.observeField("state", "validateLoginDone") m.codeTimer.observeField("fire", "validateCode") m.codeTimer.control = "start" m.expireTimer.observeField("fire", "expired") m.dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "closeDialog") getNewCode() end sub sub getNewCode() m.expireTimer.control = "stop" m.getCode.control = "RUN" end sub sub expired() 'print "Code expired" m.dialog.visible = true m.dialog.setFocus(true) m.codeTimer.control = "stop" m.expireTimer.control = "stop" end sub sub closeDialog() 'print "Closing dialog" m.dialog.visible = false m.buttons.setFocus(true) if m.login.visible = false getNewCode() m.codeTimer.control = "start" m.expireTimer.control = "start" end if end sub sub showCode() if m.getCode.state = "stop" then if m.getCode.result then m.code.text = m.getCode.code m.expireTimer.duration = m.getCode.expires 'uncomment to add expiration to the activation code 'm.expireTimer.control = "start" else m.code.text = "Failed to get code..." end if end if end sub sub validateCode() 'print "in ValidateCode" if m.getCode.code <> "" then 'print "Code: "; m.getCode.code m.validateCode.validate = m.getCode.code m.validateCode.control = "RUN" end if end sub sub validateSuccess() 'print "in validateSuccess" m.expireTimer.control = "stop" m.codeTimer.control = "stop" if m.validateCode.validated or m.validateLogin.validated then m.top.success = true end sub sub validateLoginDone() 'print "in validateLoginDone" if m.validateLogin.state = "stop" then if m.validateLogin.validated then m.busyDialog.close = true validateSuccess() else dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "Dialog") dialog.title = "Login" dialog.buttons = ["Ok"] dialog.optionsDialog = true dialog.message = "Incorrect username or password" m.top.getScene().dialog = dialog end if end if end sub ' on Button press handler Sub onItemSelected() 'print "RegScreen.brs - [onItemSelected]" if m.codeBox.visible then if m.top.itemSelected = 0 'Get new code m.getCode.control = "RUN" else ' Login m.codeBox.visible = false m.label.text = "Enter username:" m.login.visible = true m.keyboard.setFocus(true) m.buttons.jumpToItem = 0 m.buttons.content.getChild(0).title = "Next" m.buttons.content.getChild(1).title = "Back" m.codeTimer.control = "stop" end if else if m.top.itemSelected = 0 if m.keyboard.text = "" then dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "Dialog") dialog.title = "Cannot leave field empty" dialog.optionsDialog = true dialog.buttons = ["Ok"] message = "Please enter a username" if m.keyboard.textEditBox.secureMode then message = "Please enter a password" dialog.message = message m.top.getScene().dialog = dialog else if not m.keyboard.textEditBox.secureMode m.keyboard.textEditBox.secureMode = true m.label.text = "Enter password:" m.top.user = m.keyboard.text m.keyboard.text = "" else m.top.validate = true m.keyboard.textEditBox.secureMode = false m.label.text = "Enter username:" m.top.pass = m.keyboard.text m.keyboard.text = "" end if else ' Go back m.keyboard.text = "" m.keyboard.textEditBox.secureMode = false m.label.text = "Enter username:" m.buttons.content.getChild(0).title = "Get new code" m.buttons.content.getChild(1).title = "Log in with username and password" m.codeTimer.control = "start" m.login.visible = false m.codeBox.visible = true end if end if End Sub sub validateLogin() 'print "In ValidateLogin()" if m.top.validate then m.top.validate = false 'print m.top.user 'print m.top.pass m.validateLogin.user = m.top.user m.validateLogin.pass = m.top.pass m.validateLogin.control = "RUN" m.busyDialog = createObject("roSGNode", "ProgressDialog") m.top.getScene().dialog = m.busyDialog end if end sub function onKeyEvent(key as String, press as Boolean) as Boolean result = false 'print "In RegScreen.brs onKeyEvent. Key pressed: ";key;" - Press: "; press if press then if key = "up" if m.login.visible = true and m.buttons.hasFocus() then m.keyboard.setFocus(true) result = true end if else if key = "down" if m.login.visible = true and not m.buttons.hasFocus() then m.buttons.setFocus(true) result = true end if end if end if 'print "Handled event: "; result return result end function '///////////////////////////////////////////' ' Helper function convert AA to Node Function ContentList2SimpleNode(contentList as Object, nodeType = "ContentNode" as String) as Object ''print "RegScreen.brs - [ContentList2SimpleNode]" result = createObject("roSGNode", nodeType) if result <> invalid for each itemAA in contentList item = createObject("roSGNode", nodeType) item.setFields(itemAA) result.appendChild(item) end for end if return result End Function
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <component name="RegScreen" extends="Group" initialFocus="Buttons" > <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/RegScreen/RegScreen.brs"/> <children> <!-- Control buttons (Button List) --> <LabelList id="Buttons" translation="[1040,900]" color="0xFFFFFFFF" focusedColor="0x333333FF" numRows="7" vertFocusAnimationStyle="floatingFocus" itemSpacing="[0,20]" itemSize="[700, 35]" textHorizAlign="right" /> <Rectangle id="codeBox" width="1300" height="400" color="0x101010C0" translation="[315,350]"> <Label id="Header" text="Activation Code" font="font:LargeBoldSystemFont" translation="[450,50]" horizAlign="center" width="400" /> <Label id="Code" font="font:LargeBoldSystemFont" translation="[450,150]" horizAlign="center" width="400" /> <Label id="explanation" text="Before using this channel, the channel must activate your account. Remain on this screen while logging in with this activation code." font="font:MediumBoldSystemFont" translation="[36,250]" numLines="3" wrap="true" width="1200" /> </Rectangle> <Rectangle id="loginBox" width="1410" height="500" color="0x101010C0" translation="[255,300]" visible="false"> <Label id="enter" translation="[30,10]"/> <Keyboard id="KeyboardText" translation="[0,60]"/> </Rectangle> <Timer id = "codeTimer" repeat = "true" duration = "5" /> <Timer id="expireTimer" repeat="true" duration = "900"/> <Dialog id="expireDialog" title="Code Expired" message="This code has expired. Press OK to get a new one" visible="false"/> </children> <interface> <!-- Button press handler --> <field id="itemSelected" type="integer" alwaysnotify="true" alias="Buttons.itemSelected" onChange="onItemSelected" /> <field id="user" type="string"/> <field id="pass" type="string"/> <field id="validate" type="boolean" alwaysNotify="true" onChange="validateLogin"/> <field id="success" type="boolean"/> </interface> </component>
helps to be able to solve that you do not get what you type in keyboard
helps to be able to solve that you do not get what you type in keyboard