help with being able to load individual category I am using GridScreen and I want to load 12 categories and load the first 2 to make the entry faster and then when selecting the category I can load the content of it and show it can you help me with this I am trying to do a video game project
how can I select category can load the content to insert the corresponding category
use and code
'handler of focused item in RowList Sub OnItemFocused() focusedIndex = m.rowList.rowItemFocused ' get position of focused item row = m.rowList.content.GetChild(focusedIndex[0]) ' get all items of row 'When an item gains the key focus, set to a 2-element array, 'where element 0 contains the index of the focused row, 'and element 1 contains the index of the focused item in that row. If itemFocused.Count()=2[0]).getChild(itemFocused[1]) If focusedContent<>invalid m.description.content=focusedContent m.background.uri=focusedContent.hdBackgroundImageUrl End If End If End Sub
Here I leave my project to see if someone can help to make the independent categories load so I can quickly enter the section and thanks in advance
' ********** Copyright 2016 Roku Corp. All Rights Reserved. ********** 'inits grid screen 'creates all children 'sets all observers Function Init() Print"[GridScreen] Init""RowList")"Description")"Background") m.background.setFocus(true)"visible","onVisibleChange")"focusedChild","OnFocusedChildChange") End Function 'handler of focused item in RowList Sub OnItemFocused() focusedIndex = m.rowList.rowItemFocused ' get position of focused item row = m.rowList.content.GetChild(focusedIndex[0]) ' get all items of row item = row.GetChild(focusedIndex[1]) ' get focused item If itemFocused.Count()=2[0]).getChild(itemFocused[1]) print focusedContent If item<>invalid m.description.content=item m.background.uri=item.hdBackgroundImageUrl End If End If If row.getChildCount()=0 print "children empty: " numRows = 9 for i = 0 To numRows - 1 rowNew = CreateObject("rosgnode", "ContentNode") rowNew.title = "MOVIE ROW " + i.toStr() rowNew.HDPosterURL="" m.rowList.content.insertChildren(rowNew, focusedIndex[0]) end for End If End Sub 'set proper focus to RowList in case if return from Details Screen Sub onVisibleChange() If m.rowList.setFocus(TRUE) End If End Sub 'set proper focus to RowList in case if return from Details Screen Sub OnFocusedChildChange() If And Not m.rowList.hasFocus() m.rowList.setFocus(TRUE) End If End Sub
Trying to be able to insert Content Node to a tree that is without content, I don't know if I'm right or if I'm doing something wrong
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: roUrlTransfer: creating MAIN|TASK-only component failed on RENDER thread: pkg:/components/GridScreen/GridScreen.brs(65)
BrightScript Micro Debugger.
Enter any BrightScript statement, debug commands, or HELP.
Suspending threads...
Thread selected: 1* ...nts/GridScreen/GridScreen.brs(66) readInternet.setU rl("/api.php?cmd=content
Current Function:
064: Function getMoviesItem(parent As Object, category As String ,tipo As Strin g)
065: readInternet=createObject("roUrlTransfer")
066:* readInternet.setUrl("/api.php?cmd=content&type=movies &category=566")
067: source=readInternet.GetToString()
068: responseJSON = ParseJSON(source)
069: if responseJSON <> invalid then
070: For Each itemAA In responseJSON.content
Source Digest(s):
pkg: dev 1.0.0 59d74b62e604c12b1ee3f964d2a06aeb XOE Beta
roku_ads_lib: 58484 3.1.32 65f6a6a4a52db3873fa28080237f47e4a31b5c16a36bf7d67e7e4 2ac39f1ff36 Roku Ads Library
'Dot' Operator attempted with invalid BrightScript Component or interface refere nce. (runtime error &hec) in pkg:/components/GridScreen/GridScreen.brs(66)
#1 Function getmoviesitem(parent As Object, category As String, tipo As String) As Dynamic
file/line: pkg:/components/GridScreen/GridScreen.brs(66)
#0 Function onitemfocused() As Void
file/line: pkg:/components/GridScreen/GridScreen.brs(39)
Local Variables:
parent roSGNode:ContentNode refcnt=2
category roString (2.1 was String) refcnt=1 val:"0"
tipo String (VT_STR_CONST) val:"movies"
global Interface:ifGlobal
m roAssociativeArray refcnt=3 count:5
readinternet Invalid
source <uninitialized>
responsejson <uninitialized>
itemaa <uninitialized>
itemnew <uninitialized>