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channel availability - required features list


Which box should I check in the availability list of required features when publishing my channel to make it available to the greater number roku boxes?. I published a channel before and checked only the usb support box and it works fine. Yesterday I edited my channel and went to the required features list and checked the roku 2 and roku 3 boxes, thinking that would make the program available to a larger audience, the result was that my channel could not appear on any of my two roku boxes (roku 2 xs and roku 2 xd). I went back and unchecked the two lines and left the usb box only checked. Immediatly my channel was available to my roku 2 xs (not to the roku xd). Can someone help me to understand how this list work and the best configuration to use when publishing or updating my channels?
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Channel Surfer

Re: channel availability - required features list

You shouldn't check anything if the channel itself doesn't have any requirements. Those checkboxes make the channel so that it is only available on boxes that meet those requirements. So, the one that you published with the usb support option checked will only be available on the top-end Rokus, as those are the only ones with a USB port. Likewise, if you checked the "Roku 3" option, then the channel will only be available on Roku 3 devices.
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Re: channel availability - required features list

It seems I was doing the opposite of what I wanted to achieve. Thanks a lot.
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