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05:41 PM
Youtube contents in a private channel ?
Hello All,
I plan to make a private channel. Some of contents are from youtube. Is it possible technically and legal to include Youtube contents in a private channel. Thanks.
I plan to make a private channel. Some of contents are from youtube. Is it possible technically and legal to include Youtube contents in a private channel. Thanks.
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02:38 PM
Re: Youtube contents in a private channel ?
I believe it is very much legal to create a private channel that include your own videos.

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02:57 PM
Re: Youtube contents in a private channel ?
"bking007" wrote:Legal, yes. However it might be a violation of the YouTube Terms of Service to use their hosting in a manner not approved by them. They give the hosting away for free because they can attach ads to videos displayed on the website and embedded on other sites. Some devices, like Apple TV, display Youtube without ads, but my understanding is this is possible because the device manufacturer had negotiated a contract with Google to pay for access to it.
I believe it is very much legal to create a private channel that include your own videos. - A free web app for Roku Remote Control!
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03:31 PM
Re: Youtube contents in a private channel ?
Thank you. I intend to develop a channel as a library of my media (some are video files but some have been shared on Youtube). Please suggest me the command or script that I should start with to insert the youtube link in the private channel.
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10:04 PM
Re: Youtube contents in a private channel ?
astromo, I have a channel in development that will do just that. I hope to make it available for beta testing in the coming weeks.
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11:06 PM
Re: Youtube contents in a private channel ?
What is a basic script to add the content in the videoscreen? And what is the URL to be used for pointing to youtube contents?
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06:58 AM
Re: Youtube contents in a private channel ?
"astromo" wrote:
What is a basic script to add the content in the videoscreen? And what is the URL to be used for pointing to youtube contents?
Roku Guru
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10:39 PM
Re: Youtube contents in a private channel ?
"astromo" wrote:
And what is the URL to be used for pointing to youtube contents?
You could try this function:
' ytGetMP4Url - Retrieve a list of MP4 urls from YouTube for the specified video id
' Example usage:
' videoId = "S2wAMaM2OYQ" ' (required) YouTube Video Id
' ' Alternatively, the full Url of the YouTube video may be specified here
' timeout = 60000 ' (optional) Timeout in milliseconds (default: 0 => wait forever)
' loginCookie = "" ' (optional) YouTube login cookie - only required if video requires a login,
' ' e.g. Private or R-Rated videos (default: "")
' ' The login cookie can be obtained by calling ytLoginYouTube
' mp4VideoList = ytGetMP4Url (videoId, timeout, loginCookie)
' if mp4VideoList <> Invalid ' Invalid returned if no MP4 streams detected
' sdUrl = mp4VideoList.sdUrl
' hdUrl = mp4VideoList.hdUrl ' Will be empty string if no HD MP4 found
' hd1080pUrl = mp4VideoList.hd1080pUrl ' Will be empty string if no 1080p MP4 found
' hlsUrl = mp4VideoList.hlsUrl ' If an HLS stream is found, set to its index file's Url
' endif
function ytGetMP4Url (videoIdOrUrl as string, timeout = 0 as integer, loginCookie = "" as string) as object
mp4VideoList = {sdUrl: "", hdUrl: "", hd1080pUrl: "", hlsUrl: ""}
if Left (LCase (videoIdOrUrl), 4) = "http"
url = videoIdOrUrl
url = "" + videoIdOrUrl
' Get the web page containing video information
htmlString = ""
port = CreateObject ("roMessagePort")
ut = CreateObject ("roUrlTransfer")
ut.SetPort (port)
ut.AddHeader ("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0 (gzip)")
if loginCookie <> ""
ut.AddHeader ("Cookie", loginCookie)
ut.SetCertificatesFile ("common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt")
ut.InitClientCertificates ()
ut.EnableEncodings (true)
ut.SetUrl (url)
if ut.AsyncGetToString ()
while true
msg = Wait (timeout, port)
if type (msg) = "roUrlEvent"
status = msg.GetResponseCode ()
print "ytGetMP4Url. MP4 Url Request: Url = " + url + ". status = " + status.ToStr () + ". failureReason = " + msg.GetFailureReason ()
if status = 200
htmlString = msg.GetString ()
print "htmlString=" + htmlString
exit while
else if type (msg) = "Invalid"
ut.AsyncCancel ()
print "ytGetMP4Url. Timeout"
exit while
end while
' urlEncodedFmtStreamMap contains any mp4 urls
' TODO: Check if 1080p support has been discontinued
urlEncodedFmtStreamMap = CreateObject ("roRegex", "\x22url_encoded_fmt_stream_map\x22:\x22([^\x22]+)\x22", "").Match (htmlString)
if urlEncodedFmtStreamMap.Count () > 1
commaSplit = CreateObject ("roRegex", ",", "").Split (urlEncodedFmtStreamMap [1])
for each commaItem in commaSplit
maVideoUrl = CreateObject ("roRegex", "url=(.+)", "").Match (commaItem)
if maVideoUrl.Count () = 2
videoUrl = ut.Unescape (maVideoUrl [1])
print "videoUrl: " + videoUrl
pair = {itag: ""}
ampersandSplit = CreateObject ("roRegex", "&", "").Split (videoUrl)
for each ampersandItem in ampersandSplit
equalsSplit = CreateObject ("roRegex", "=", "").Split (ampersandItem)
if equalsSplit.Count () = 2
pair [equalsSplit [0]] = equalsSplit [1]
end for
if Left (LCase (videoUrl), 4) = "http"
urlDecoded = ut.Unescape (videoUrl)
if pair.itag = "18"
mp4VideoList.sdUrl = urlDecoded
else if pair.itag = "22"
mp4VideoList.hdUrl = urlDecoded
else if pair.itag = "37"
mp4VideoList.hd1080pUrl = urlDecoded
end for
' If no mp4 urls, check for live (HLS) feed in the hlsvp attribute
if mp4VideoList.sdUrl = "" and mp4VideoList.hdUrl = "" and mp4VideoList.hd1080pUrl = ""
' If no mp4 video streams were found, search for a live stream HLS manifest (.m3u8) file
hlsvp = CreateObject ("roRegex", "hlsvp=([^(" + Chr(34) + "|&|$)]*)", "").Match (htmlString)
if hlsvp.Count () > 1
hlsUrlDecoded = ut.Unescape (ut.Unescape (hlsvp [1]))
mp4VideoList.hlsUrl = hlsUrlDecoded
if mp4VideoList.hlsUrl = ""
mp4VideoList = Invalid
if mp4VideoList <> invalid
print "ytGetMP4Url. sdUrl=" + mp4VideoList.sdUrl
print "ytGetMP4Url. hdUrl=" + mp4VideoList.hdUrl
print "ytGetMP4Url. hd1080pUrl=" + mp4VideoList.hd1080pUrl
print "ytGetMP4Url. hlsUrl=" + mp4VideoList.hlsUrl
print "ytGetMP4Url. No Video Streams Found"
return mp4VideoList
end function
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04:51 PM
Re: Youtube contents in a private channel ?
belltown, thank you so much. I can start from there.
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01:57 PM
Re: Youtube contents in a private channel ?
Belltown, ditto. Thanks. I've been pounding my head trying to understand how other channels did this. I'm trying to go to the next step. I'm trying to integrate your function to the simplevideoplayer.
I get a bug when running this. (I don't have Roku access while I type this message - I'll update this post later).
I did notice that the generated sdUrl variable seems to be correct because I can cut-and-paste the URL to a web-browser to test.
I do notice that the URL contains ampersands "&" . Do I need to replace these with "&" i nthe brightscript code?
Function displayVideo(args As Dynamic)
url = "" ' The URL for the video
mp4Urls = getMP4Url (url) ' Get a list of all MP4 URLs
sdUrl = mp4Urls.sdUrl
'Swap the commented values below to play different video clips...
urls = [ sdUrl ]
qualities = ["SD"]
StreamFormat = "mp4"
I get a bug when running this. (I don't have Roku access while I type this message - I'll update this post later).
I did notice that the generated sdUrl variable seems to be correct because I can cut-and-paste the URL to a web-browser to test.
I do notice that the URL contains ampersands "&" . Do I need to replace these with "&" i nthe brightscript code?
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current: two roku XDS 2xs, dtvpal, boxeebox,,