For testing purposes, I'd like to write and read from a tmp file. Seems simple enough, but I'm having trouble with a type mismatch. I'm using the following code:
tempfile = "tmp:/temp.txt"
success = WriteAsciiFile(tempfile, dtInSeconds)
print success ' this is true
print text
dtInSeconds is just a file creation date converted to seconds, so it's an integer. The string I'm converting to seconds is in this format: 2011-12-11 06:47:42.000
I'm sure it's something simple, but everything I've tried seems to fail.
On a related note, is the following ISO8601 format still not supported by Roku? 2011-12-11T06:47:42.000Z I'm stripping the T and Z out so it's no big deal but shouldn't it be fixed if it hasn't already?