"ammoun" wrote:
I have about 20 Http live feeds, and I would like to watch them from Roku. The only concern is that, the channel links are not static. So I have to ping a server that sends me these http streams.
So I need to refresh the feed once I open the Roku channel, and then every time I switch between feeds inside the Roku channel.
Usually that kind of thing is handled in the server using HTTP redirects. Each of your 20 live feeds would be assigned a fixed url. The server, upon receiving a request for a particular fixed url, would respond with an HTTP 302 (Moved Temporarily) redirect containing the current url for that particular feed.
Your Roku channel would just specify the fixed feed urls, and the Roku OS would handle the redirection automatically, so there would be no need to refresh the feed, "ping" the server, or listen for any kind of change event. You'd just write a standard Roku feed-playing channel, and whenever your feeds' url change, your server administrator would change the redirection url in the server.