would you please consider fixing this, so that player does not crash? Was bug ever entered on this?
This crash happens very reliably (on 3xxx series) - it is more reliable than ctrl-C entering debugger mode (since often ctrl-C exits dev channel for no raisin). All that is needed is issuing "da" (to see the bytecode) after there has been "Syntax Error" on previous command - reboot happens when listing reaches the position where syntax error was. My semi-wild-ass guess is part of a structure remains uninitialized / with random stack data. Glance at the 3rd number of the "ld", normally it is the offset of line's last bytecode - not so for lines 99-102:
096: 398, 399, 0x1e4bb60, end sub
097: 000, -01, (nil),
098: 400, 404, 0x1e4bb60, ?
099: 405, 000, 0x1e4bb60, {}
100: 405, 1970040879, 0x1e4bb60, wild_ass
101: 405, 1769104752, 0x1e4bb60, SWAG
102: 405, 1936028265, 0x1e4bb60, {}
I must be one of only a few around looking at bytecode, since i don't see others complained in two years. Occasionally I find it educational/enlightening though - for example let me understand why/how "eval()" is leaking.