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What Type Of Screen is "Settings"?

Hey gang!

I'd like to do a similar screen to the default "Settings" screen within the Roku, but I'm not sure what type of screen it is. Can you point me in the right direction? If it's not possible to do the exact style, what do you suggest? Example image of what I mean below:

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Streaming Star

Re: What Type Of Screen is "Settings"?

The only way I know of to recreate that functionality would be roImageCanvas. Roku isn't a scrolling powerhouse, so it might not look as smooth when you create it yourself.
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Re: What Type Of Screen is "Settings"?

Cool, that's kind of what I was thinking the answer might be. I'll mess with the Canvas and see what comes of it.

Thanks destruk!
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Channel Surfer

Re: What Type Of Screen is "Settings"?

That settings screen is new with the Roku 2. It might be available in the 4.x SDK, but that hasn't been released yet, and isn't available for the older Roku 1 units, so you're probably best off recreating it, if you need that functionality.
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Channel Surfer

Re: What Type Of Screen is "Settings"?

for Roku2 and the hopefully soon-to-be-released 3.0 firmware, you can do that with roScreen if you want a slick smooth interface like that.

RoImage canvas will give you a kind of clunky interface, even if it looks good, it won't perform very well.

- Joel
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