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Roku Guru

Uptoten Channel : Unpublished Version is Testing??

two weeks is not long at all 8-)
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Uptoten Channel : Unpublished Version is Testing??

I have no idea what this is saying, many contradictory things:
- it talks about public channel "Uptoten", then gives details on private (Boowa2)
- says "still in testing since 06/26/2015" - that's almost 4 weeks, not 2; be clear, we can't mind read

If it has been only 4 weeks waiting in the queue - that's nothing, it took almost 3 friggin' MONTHS for me to get my app published.
If it has went into testing proper for more than a week though, with no feedback, then yes - they have forgotten about it (happened to me), so ping them by email, they are quite diligent once they notice.
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Uptoten Channel : Unpublished Version is Testing??

So is it in "waiting" or in "testing", riddle me that?
Have you received "Testing has Started" email? Does the status next to the channel in say testing?
If not, you are not in "testing" and all you can do is ask what's your position# in the wait queue (which they don't have to answer but may, if in benevolent mood).
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Uptoten Channel : Unpublished Version is Testing??

"Honey, i shrunk the kids" ... 1500 times?! Smiley LOL
0 Kudos
Binge Watcher

Re: Uptoten Channel : Unpublished Version is Testing??

"hnet" wrote:
Now I have to figure why resume play is listed on every video..

Ok, I'm guessing your channel is based on the videoplayer example in the SDK? If so, download an updated version of this example from our SourceForge site.

The other thing that may be a factor with the videoplayer example: The content ID of each video must be unique, if they all have the same ID then they will all show resume if one of them has been partially played.

- Joel
0 Kudos
Binge Watcher

Re: Uptoten Channel : Unpublished Version is Testing??

Just download the example from sourceforge, and replace appDetailScreen.brs and appVideosScreen.brs in your channel (backup first of course).

That should solve the problem.

- Joel
0 Kudos
Binge Watcher

Re: Uptoten Channel : Unpublished Version is Testing??

If by AutoPlay you mean automatically play all the videos in a section, then, well our business team thinks autoplay is a great thing to drive engagement with your audience. I'm personally in favor of optional autoplay as a button on your springboard along with Play, but only as an optional feature, there are times as a viewer where I want to roll over to the next episode and times where I don't.

Also, think about your streaming costs - It is going to cost you much more in bandwidth if everyone autoplays all the time vs watches an episode or two.

- Joel
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