"squirreltown" wrote:
I suppose they feel that you know- it's possible that the 200 channels ahead of you could all have their devs drop dead whilst logged in so they could hit "cancel submission" on the way down...
That was intensely funny, i "Laughed Out Loud" to it!
But you know what, i think the lone* tester that is reviewing channels currently - by now is secretly wishing some of us drop dead (preferably face down over the Cancel button)... or get abducted by aliens... or move to different pastures (AndroidTV/other smart TV platforms) - anything that shortens the queue and decreases the pressure on them, really. Naturally they keep such thoughts to themselves...
"TheEndless" wrote:
"EnTerr" wrote:
Hmmm... are you guys saying the email i received yesterday is untrue?!
"billing@Roku" wrote:
... The current channel publishing queue is about two weeks long provided there are no major issues with your channel uncovered during testing.
They've been running behind since Christmas, and that's the same text that's been in the submission email for ages (at least as far back as August 2013), so I don't think that's anything to go by.
Why can't they update the text though, it's not like they use
hot metal typesetting and have to cast a new metal plate for the email, right? Update it once a month = too much? It's not individual attention, each edition will go to at least 200 submissions - it is worth the effort. [spoiler=linotype:2lbxblhn]

There is something we can do communally though, to help improve the estimates (and not just wait on the Co) - and that's to keep track of review times each gets. There will always be outliers but given enough data points, we will be able to predict quite well
On a side note, congratulations on submitting your first public channel!
Yeah, that... congrats will be in order when (if) i ever see it through publishing. As things are, seems have to wait till past July 4th, just for an initial look.
(*) it's my guess that lately we have had only 1 reviewer working on the queue. Based on 3 different sources (each unreliable on its own), i estimate in recent months the public-ing speed has been approximately 3 new channels + 3 updates per work day. Which is impressive for a single person, kinda low for two full-timers. Does not explain why the Co cannot allocate more human power (AKA "another person") to the process. Even if they do "sprints" from time to time, when avg.number of submittals per month exceeds avg.number of reviews, the queue is only bound to keep growing - that's unmanageable.