I'm doing a thing for a guy, the core chunk of code is this...
if (imagetimer.totalseconds() > 10) and (fadelevelA.[0] = 255 ) then
print "mark " + imageindex.tostr()
print "Checking for " + randpics[imageindex].url + " -> " + "tmp:/"+imageindex.tostr()+".jpg"
if files.exists("tmp:/"+imageindex.tostr()+".jpg") = false
Print "Downloading " + randpics[imageindex].url + " -> " + "tmp:/"+imageindex.tostr()+".jpg"
print "...Downloaded in " + (timer.totalmilliseconds()).tostr() + "ms."
print "Already Exists: " + "tmp:/"+imageindex.tostr()+".jpg"
end if
'loads in the next image to be transitioned to
bm=CreateObject("roBitmap", "tmp:/"+imageindex.tostr()+".jpg")
print "Drew screen in " + (timer.totalmilliseconds()).tostr() + "ms."
if imageindex = (randpics.count() -1) then imageindex = 0 else imageindex = imageindex + 1
end if
'After 10 seconds, transitions between images[0] and images[1]
if (imagetimer.totalseconds() > 10) and fadelevelB[0] <= 254 then
fadelevelA[0] = fadelevelA[0] - 1
fadelevelB[0] = fadelevelB[0] + 1
end if
'when the transition is finished, reset fade levels, timers and move next image up to current.
if (fadelevelB[0] = 255) and (imagetimer.totalseconds() > 10 ) then
fadelevelA[0] = 255
fadelevelB[0] = 0
end if
if images.count() > 0 then m.screen.DrawObject(0,0,images[1],HexToInteger3("FFFFFF" + fadelevelB.tohexstring()))
m.screen.DrawObject(0,0,images[0],HexToInteger3("FFFFFF" + fadelevelA.tohexstring()))
it cycles an array of image urls, downloads them (if they don't exist already) and cross-fades them.
that works 99.5%of the time, but on some super rare occasions, it does this...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU-gl4RXa3wHere, it's showing a blank screen, it begins to show the next image only as the cross fade begins and fades to black. I can't figure out what causes it, and I've only seen it on my Roku LT. The guy I'm doing this for can get it to happen a little more often on his Roku 3.
Any ideas?