ok = false
RAF = Roku_Ads()
if RAF <> invalid:
' RAF.setAdUrl(ad_url) 'use if assigned custom URL
pods = RAF.getAds()
ok = RAF.showAds(pods)
end if
"EnTerr" wrote:
To quote Komag, "welcome to Roku world!" :). Yes, documentation is fuzzy on many things but you are almost there. Here:ok = false
RAF = Roku_Ads()
if RAF <> invalid:
' RAF.setAdUrl(ad_url) 'use if assigned custom URL
pods = RAF.getAds()
ok = RAF.showAds(pods)
end if
"BCVatOVG" wrote:
Library "Roku_Ads.brs"
Goes a the top of main file (outside of any functions)
adIface = Roku_Ads() goes in whatever function you are trying to set up the ads/play the ads.
In the case of the code you posted the adIface variable is actually RAF. so RAF = Roku_Ads() sets up the RAF variable, RAF.setAdUrl(ad_url) sets up a custom VMAP or VAST url, pods = RAF.getAds() will load the ads into the pods variable, ok = RAF.showAds(pods) will load and play the ads if there are any.
"uxicorp" wrote:
I'm not a coder