I am trying to create a pretty simple screen saver; one with only a label that displays the current time.
So far I am only getting a blank screen. My label isn't even showing up.
Here's my code:
function init()
m.Label = m.top.findNode("time")
m.global.observeField("MyField", "getCurrentTime")
end function
function getCurrentTime()
time = CreateObject("roDateTime")
newTime = time.toISOString()
print newTime
arr = newTime.split("T")
print "Time is: " arr[1]
m.Label.text = arr[1]
end function
sub RunScreenSaver()
screen = createObject("roSGScreen")
port = createObject("roMessagePort")
port2 = createObject("roMessagePort")
m.global = screen.getGlobalNode() 'Creates (Global) variable MyField
m.global.AddField("MyField", "int", true)
m.global.MyField = 0
scene = screen.createScene("ScreensaverFade")
while(true) 'Message Port that fires every 7 seconds to change value of MyField if the screen isn't closed
msg = wait(7000, port)
if (msg <> invalid)
msgType = type(msg)
if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed() then return
end if
m.global.MyField += 10
msg = wait(2500, port2)
end if
end while
end sub
Also, another minor issue, the time I am getting displays the date as well, so I used split to separate, now I get something like 09:30:22Z, what is his Z and how to remove it, and how to get my label to show up.
Thanks a lot!