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Setting global scope?

I am trying to create one instance of a common script. I would like to use this script to save a few variables and states across the lifetime of the app. However, I am encountering a problem with scope to save these variables and states. The following is an example of how I created this script...

Function Utils() as Object
    obj = {
        exampleFunction: exampleFunction,
      getExampleValue: getExampleValue
    return obj
end Function

Function exampleFunction()
   m.exampleParam = "value of param"
   m.exampleObject = {color: "red"}
end Function

[size=85][font=monospace]Function [size=85][font=monospace]getExampleValue[/font][/size]() as String
[/font][/size]    if [size=85][font=monospace]m.[/font][/size][size=85][font=monospace][font=monospace]exampleParam <> invalid
       return [size=85][font=monospace]m.[/font][/size][size=85][font=monospace][font=monospace]exampleParam [/font][/font]
        return "invalid"
     end if[/size][/font][/font][/size]
end Function

Then when I make the following reference to the Utils script, I expect to get something other than invalid as the value of m.exampleParam

utilsInstance = Utils
?"The value of the example Param is: "; utilsInstance.getExampleValue() 'this returns "invalid", but I was expecting the value set in the exampleFunction() method.

I think the problem is that the "m." object scoping reference within the exampleFunction() refers to the Utils associative array, not the global scope of the app.

How do I ensure the Utils() script can refer to the global scope of the app?
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Roku Guru

Re: Setting global scope?

use GetGlobalAA() in that instance instead of m
gAA = GetGlobalAA()
(I'm not sure this is correct, but it's at least in the neighborhood)
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Roku Guru

Re: Setting global scope?

"Komag" wrote:
use GetGlobalAA() in that instance instead of m

and that will work great, unless you are using the RSG library - in which case it won't, since each thread (main vs render vs task) has its own and distinct global AA. And from what i have seen, @jaxim is in the RSG imbroglio. 
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Roku Guru

Re: Setting global scope?

Maybe you could write to and read from the registry then? It's crazy, but would work in theory. Maybe it's very slow though.
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Roku Guru

Re: Setting global scope?

"Komag" wrote:
Maybe you could write to and read from the registry then? It's crazy, but would work in theory. Maybe it's very slow though.

In different context, the idea of using registry for data exchange between threads was reviewed by RokuMarkn and ... <drumroll>
judged as a no-go.
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