I am creating a channel using the Grid Screen layout. I have four rows, each set to a different .rss for video playback. Here is where I'm having problems: I've tried listing out each row in the ContentList (i.e. oneRow, twoRow, threeRow, fourRow) for the SearchList, and I've tried creating multiple SearchLists. I am either getting errors or only one row listed is working with the search function. What am I missing? Is it possible to link all four rows to the search function? If not, can I remove the search option entirely?
Sub RunUserInterface()
screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")
m.scene = screen.CreateScene("HomeScene")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
oneRow = GetApiArray1()
twoRow = GetApiArray2()
threeRow = GetApiArray3()
fourRow = GetApiArray4()
list = [
TITLE : "show 1"
ContentList : oneRow
TITLE : "show 2"
ContentList : twoRow
TITLE : "show 3"
ContentList : threeRow
TITLE : "show 4"
ContentList : fourRow
m.SearchList = [
TITLE : "Search results"
ContentList : oneRow