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Scrolling text with a windowed videoplayer


I am working on an application that will show a windowed roVideoPlayer on screen as well as scrolling text in the bottom of the screen. I am using roImageCanvas to show windowed video player but am not able to use roImageCanvas to scroll the text on the screen as it seems to be very shaky and misses the frames in-between. I have even tried to show text on a single layer and updating only that layer but still its performance is not very good. So, what i wanted to ask is that if there is a way to show smooth scrolling of text on roImageCanvas or i will have to shift to roScreen and if i will have to shift to roScreen then how can i use roVideoPlayer with roScreen?????

Thanks in advance for your help...
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Re: Scrolling text with a windowed videoplayer

Yes, roScreen gives better performance for animation than roImageCanvas. You use it the same way you do with roImageCanvas, leave a transparent area in what you paint to the roScreen to let the video show through.

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