"destruk" wrote:
Neat. The main problem I think with this type of system is it takes soooo long to enter the date, where a 10-digit pin pad would be quicker. If you need 06-16-1953 how long does your system take to scroll all the way there precisely, or how many keypresses, ...
That is a valid point but for me the solution for that would be for << / >> to skip faster in the Year field (say by -/+10).
Or press&hold on a key, expecting a speedup in labelList scroll but that's not the case currently. For reference, on touch-screen devices such selectors account for the velocity with which you "hurl" the list in a direction.
A standard keypad would be a maximum of 5 presses to select any possible value - if you can find a way to beat that down to 3 presses for any 0-9 digit I'd be interested.
Interesting - i got curious to look at the keypad and indeed 5 keys max to select a digit (counting OK), let's say average of 4. Times 8 for mm-dd-yyyy format, at 32 that's not that few keystrokes. Comparatively, the selector with labelLists would be as short as 3 buttons if the data is today - in fact i can joke it does a sort of "Huffman encoding"
🙂 - i mean variable-length encoding, depending how close the date is to present - which is most often the point of reference - the closer the date, the less keys needed!