How is it possible to save some basic, small amount of data to the registry. I wish to store a zip code to be retrieved when the app is loaded. Since you can't write to a file and retain it after the app closes, the only way to save it is in the registry, but how?
I have looked at the sdk and see what it says on creating a section in the registry to save info to and also the example on reading it. But how do you assign the info back to say a variable to work with it. For example, I used the following to save the info to the registry, the result comes from user input thru the on screen keyboard.
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", "ZIPCODE")
sec.Write("UserZipCode", result)
Now, how do I get the info back, if it is even there? I have tried but with no success.
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", "ZIPCODE")
if sec.Exists("UserZipCode")
return sec.Read("UserZipCode")
return invalid
Thanks again