I created one task node. and use the below code To execute the Task node. Here, My updateFunction() calls Average 10 times. and I required a task node calls only a single time.
function on updateFunction()
m.Tasknode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Tasknode")
m.Tasknode.control = "RUN"
end function
I tried to call using a flag. like below. The first time It's successfully handled. But when I moved that component again that component calls Average 3-4 times. I tried to call using a flag. like below. The first time It's successfully handled. But when I moved that component again that component calls Average 3-4 times. So Second Times It's not working. I should run in init() is true but I get data in this function. how many times the function is called. It's doesn't matter. But, the task node should be called only once. Is it possible?
sub init()
m.flag = 0
end sub
function on updateFunction()
if m.flag = 0 then
m.Tasknode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Tasknode")
m.Tasknode.control = "RUN"
m.flag = 1
end if
end function