Starting around mid July I've been seeing that Roku 1, 2, 3 some times don't persist registry writes even after flushing. Reading the value of a key that was written will some times return invalid and always return invalid after the first time. Here are the helper methods I'm using to write and read to and from the registry:
Function RegRead(key as String, section=invalid) as Dynamic
if section = invalid then section = "Default"
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
if sec.Exists(key) then return sec.Read(key)
return invalid
End Function
Function RegWrite(key as String, val as String, section=invalid) as Void
if section = invalid then section = "Default"
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
sec.Write(key, val)
sec.Flush() ' commit it
End Function
Has anyone else been experiencing the same problem more recently?