"belltown" wrote:
Most likely, the "Registry is empty" message means that your registry really is empty, and that your channel hasn't written anything to it. It's going to be hard to diagnose what's going on here since you haven't posted any code from either your Roku channel or your server script. Your best bet is to step through your Roku channel code line by line using the debugger until you find where this "old code" is coming from, why you're not getting the new code from your server, and why the new code is not being written to the registry if that's what it should be doing. If you spend some time studying the SDK "example" code, figuring out how it works, then you should be able to write your own code to do whatever you want.
That is kind of what I thought. I am running the standard SDK example code only slightly modified. I uploaded the example webpage code and just want to get it working as is before developing a more complicated backend. I have attached my code and my debugger output. I see the problem with the missing < but since I can't clear that entry I am stuck.
Current Regscreen:
' *********************************************************
' ** Roku Registration Demonstration App
' ** Support routines
' ** May 2009
' ** Copyright (c) 2009 Roku Inc. All Rights Reserved.
' *********************************************************
'Perform the registration flow
' 0 - We're registered. Proceed
' 1 - We're not registered. The user cancelled the process.
' 2 - We're not registered. There was an error
Function doRegistration() As Integer
'xml responses are static, but there are a few flavours available for testing
'Generic case: getRegResult (always returns success)
'Failure case: getRegResult_failure (always returns failure)
'Success case: getRegResult_success (always returns success)
m.UrlBase = "http://www.303north.com/Roku"
m.UrlGetRegCode = m.UrlBase + "/getRegCode"
m.UrlGetRegResult = m.UrlBase + "/getRegResult"
m.UrlWebSite = "http://www.303north.com/Roku"
m.RegToken = loadRegistrationToken()
if isLinked() then
print "device already linked, skipping registration process"
'return 0
regscreen = displayRegistrationScreen()
'main loop get a new registration code, display it and check to see if its been linked
while true
duration = 0
sn = GetDeviceESN()
regCode = getRegistrationCode(sn)
'if we've failed to get the registration code, bail out, otherwise we'll
'get rid of the retrieving... text and replace it with the real code
if regCode = "" then return 2
print "Enter registration code " + regCode + " at " + m.UrlWebSite + " for " + sn
'make an http request to see if the device has been registered on the backend
while true
'sleep(5000) ' to simulate going to computer and typing in regcode
status = checkRegistrationStatus(sn, regCode)
if status < 3 return status
getNewCode = false
retryInterval = getRetryInterval()
retryDuration = getRetryDuration()
print "retry duration "; itostr(duration); " at "; itostr(retryInterval);
print " sec intervals for "; itostr(retryDuration); " secs max"
'wait for the retry interval to expire or the user to press a button
'indicating they either want to quit or fetch a new registration code
while true
print "Wait for " + itostr(retryInterval)
msg = wait(retryInterval * 1000, regscreen.GetMessagePort())
duration = duration + retryInterval
if msg = invalid exit while
if type(msg) = "roCodeRegistrationScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed()
print "Screen closed"
return 1
elseif msg.isButtonPressed()
print "Button pressed: "; msg.GetIndex(); " " msg.GetData()
if msg.GetIndex() = 0
regscreen.SetRegistrationCode("retrieving code...")
getNewCode = true
exit while
if msg.GetIndex() = 1 return 1
end while
if duration > retryDuration exit while
if getNewCode exit while
print "poll prelink again..."
end while
end while
End Function
'** display the registration screen in its initial state with the
'** text "retrieving..." shown. We'll get the code and replace it
'** in the next step after we have something on-screen for the user
Function displayRegistrationScreen() As Object
regsite = "go to " + m.UrlWebsite
regscreen = CreateObject("roCodeRegistrationScreen")
regscreen.AddParagraph("Please link your Roku player to your account by visiting")
regscreen.AddFocalText(" ", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.AddFocalText("From your computer,", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.AddFocalText(regsite, "spacing-dense")
regscreen.AddFocalText("and enter this code to activate:", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.SetRegistrationCode("retrieving code...")
regscreen.AddParagraph("This screen will automatically update as soon as your activation completes")
regscreen.AddButton(0, "Get a new code")
regscreen.AddButton(1, "Back")
return regscreen
End Function
'** Fetch the prelink code from the registration service. return
'** valid registration code on success or an empty string on failure
Function getRegistrationCode(sn As String) As String
if sn = "" then return ""
http = NewHttp(m.UrlGetRegCode)
http.AddParam("partner", "roku")
http.AddParam("deviceID", sn)
http.AddParam("deviceTypeName", "roku")
rsp = http.Http.GetToString()
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
print "GOT: " + rsp
print "Reason: " + http.Http.GetFailureReason()
if not xml.Parse(rsp) then
print "Can't parse getRegistrationCode response"
return ""
if xml.GetName() <> "result"
Dbg("Bad register response: ", xml.GetName())
return ""
if islist(xml.GetBody()) = false then
Dbg("No registration information available")
return ""
'default values for retry logic
retryInterval = 30 'seconds
retryDuration = 900 'seconds (aka 15 minutes)
regCode = ""
'handle validation of response fields
for each e in xml.GetBody()
if e.GetName() = "regCode" then
regCode = e.GetBody() 'enter this code at website
elseif e.GetName() = "retryInterval" then
retryInterval = strtoi(e.GetBody())
elseif e.GetName() = "retryDuration" then
retryDuration = strtoi(e.GetBody())
if regCode = "" then
Dbg("Parse yields empty registration code")
m.retryDuration = retryDuration
m.retryInterval = retryInterval
m.regCode = regCode
return regCode
End Function
'** Check the status of the registration to see if we've linked
'** Returns:
'** 0 - We're registered. Proceed.
'** 1 - Reserved. Used by calling function.
'** 2 - We're not registered. There was an error, abort.
'** 3 - We're not registered. Keep trying.
Function checkRegistrationStatus(sn As String, regCode As String) As Integer
http = NewHttp(m.UrlGetRegResult)
http.AddParam("partner", "roku")
http.AddParam("deviceID", sn)
http.AddParam("regCode", regCode)
print "checking registration status"
while true
rsp = http.Http.GetToString()
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
if not xml.Parse(rsp) then
print "Can't parse check registration status response"
return 2
if xml.GetName() <> "result" then
print "unexpected check registration status response: ", xml.GetName()
return 2
if islist(xml.GetBody()) = true then
for each e in xml.GetBody()
if e.GetName() = "customerId" then
customerId = strtoi(e.GetBody())
elseif e.GetName() = "creationTime" then
creationTime = strtoi(e.GetBody())
elseif e.GetName() = "regToken" then
token = strtoi(e.GetBody())
if token <> "" and token <> invalid then
print "obtained registration token: " + validstr(token)
saveRegistrationToken(token) 'commit it
m.RegistrationToken = token
return 0
return 3
end while
print "result: " + validstr(regToken) + " for " + validstr(customerId) + " at " + validstr(creationTime)
return 3
End Function
' The retryInterval is used to control how often we retry and
' check for registration success. its generally sent by the
' service and if this hasn't been done, we just return defaults
Function getRetryInterval() As Integer
if m.retryInterval < 1 then m.retryInterval = 30
return m.retryInterval
End Function
' The retryDuration is used to control how long we attempt to
' retry. this value is generally obtained from the service
' if this hasn't yet been done, we just return the defaults
Function getRetryDuration() As Integer
if m.retryDuration < 1 then m.retryDuration = 900
return m.retryDuration
End Function
'Load/Save RegistrationToken to registry
Function loadRegistrationToken() As dynamic
m.RegToken = RegRead("RegToken", "Authentication")
if m.RegToken = invalid then m.RegToken = ""
return m.RegToken
End Function
Sub saveRegistrationToken(token As String)
RegWrite("RegToken", token, "Authentication")
End Sub
Sub deleteRegistrationToken()
RegDelete("RegToken", "Authentication")
m.RegToken = ""
End Sub
Function isLinked() As Dynamic
if Len(m.RegToken) > 0 then return true
return false
End Function
'Show congratulations screen
Sub showCongratulationsScreen()
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
screen = CreateObject("roParagraphScreen")
screen.AddParagraph("You have successfully linked your Roku player to your account")
screen.AddParagraph("Select 'start' to begin.")
screen.AddButton(1, "start")
while true
msg = wait(0, screen.GetMessagePort())
if type(msg) = "roParagraphScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed()
print "Screen closed"
exit while
else if msg.isButtonPressed()
print "Button pressed: "; msg.GetIndex(); " " msg.GetData()
exit while
print "Unknown event: "; msg.GetType(); " msg: "; msg.GetMessage()
exit while
end while
End Sub
Debugger output:
------ Running ------
showHomeScreen | msg = | index = 0
GOT: <result>
Can't parse getRegistrationCode response
Connection Failed
DIALOG1: Can't connect to video service - We were unable to connect to the service. Please try again in a few minutes.
Button pressed: 0
Current getRegCode: